Olha Korkuna

Position: Associate Professor, Department of Analytical Chemistry

Scientific degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences

Academic status: Associate Professor

Phone (office): (032) 239-40-48

Email: olha.korkuna@lnu.edu.ua

Google Scholar profile: scholar.google.com.ua

Research interests

Main fields of research activity

  • Determination of palladium in composite industrial objects and in waste products, using its concentration by natural clinoptilolite and mordenite;
  • Investigation of the interaction of Pd(II) with some organic reagents (in particular oximes), fixed on zeolite’s surface;
  • Methods of modification of a sorbent surface;
  • Investigation of sorbents structure, using FTIR-, X-ray analysis, Thermogravimetric analysis, SEM, TEM, AFM;
  • Application of modify zeolites as matrix in chromatographic analysis;
  • Test-sensors for determination of platinum group element micro amounts;
  • Catalytic properties of natural and modified zeolites.
  • Studying of spectrophotometric and voltammetric methods of platinum group elements determination;
  • Spectrophotometry of triphenyl¬methane, o,o′-dihydroxo substituted and acidic monoazo dyes.
  • Elaboration of spectrophotometric methods determination of different organic compaunds: proteins, sulphanilamides, antibiotics and flavonoids for the control drugs quality and their residues in animal food, environmental samples and biological liquids.



Selected publications

1. Korkuna O.Ya., Vrublevska T.Ya. Sorptive properties of natural and modified transcarpathian clinoptilolite and mordenite concerning palladium (II) // Proceedings of the 3rd international zeolite symposium (3rd FEZA). Part B. – Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal., Vol. 158 “Molecular sieves: from basic research to industrial applications”, Edited by J. Cejka, N. Zilkova, P. Nachtigall.-Amsterdam.: Elsevier, 2005.- Р. 1035-1042.
2. Korkuna O.Ya., Leboda R., Skubi-szewska-Zieba J., Vrublevs’ka T., Gun’ko V.M. and Ryczkowski J. Structural and physicochemical properties of natural zeolites: clinoptIlolite and mordenite // Micropor. Mesopor. Mat.-2006.-Vol. 87, №3.-P. 243-254.
3. Korkuna O.Ya., Vrublevs’ka T., Reschetilowski W. Study of Pd(II) Sorption from Aqueous Solutions on the Natural and Acidic Modified Transcarpathian Clinoptilolite // Polish J. Chemistry.-2008.-Vol.82, №1-2.-P.431-442.
4. Draczynski Z., Korkuna O., Stawski D. Sorption of heavy metals ions by honeybee chitosan // Pol. J. Appl. Chem.–2009.–Vol.53, №2.–P.123-127.
5. Rydchuk M., Vrublevska T., Korkuna O., Volchak M. Application of Orange G as a Complexing Reagent in Spectrophotometric Determination of Osmium(IV) // Chem. Anal. (Warsaw).– 2009.– Vol. 54, №5.– P. 1051-1063.
6. Rydchuk M., VrublevskaT., Boiko M., Korkuna O. Мasking is the Effective Alternative to the Separation during Osmium Determination by means of Azo Dyes in Complex Samples // Chemistry & Chemical Technology. Chemistry. – 2010. – Vol. 4, No. 2. – P.115-124.
7. Rydchuk M., Mykhalyna G., Dobryanska O., Korkuna O., Vrublevska T. Osmium assay in fixatives and stained rat tissues by means of acid and o, o’-dihidroxo substituted monoazo dyes and some flavonoids // Cent. Eur. J. Chem. – 2011. – Vol. 9 (5).– P. 886-895.
8. Boiko M., Vrublevska T., Korkuna O., Teslyar G. Application of sulphanilamides disazo dyes with Tropaeolin O for simple, rapid and sensitive spectrophotometric assay of medicines // Spectrochim. Acta, Part A. – 2011. – Vol. 79A, No. 2. – P. 325-331.
9. Бойко М. Определение сульфаниламидов в комбинированных лекарственных препаратах с использованием 4-(2-пиридилазо) резорцина / М.Бойко, Т.Врублевская, О.Коркуна, Г.Тесляр, Д.Янович // Заводская лаборатория. Диагностика материалов. – 2012. – Т78, №11. – С. 19-24.
10. Бойко М.Я. Використання азобарвника еріохром синьо-чорного R для визначення сульфаніламідів у готових лікарських формах / М.Я. Бойко, Т.Я. Врублевська, О.Я. Коркуна, Г.Ю. Тесляр // Методы и объекты химического анализа. – 2014. – Т.9, № 2. – С. 73-82.
11. Boiko M. Eriochrome black T is a new analytical reagent for spectrophotometric determination of sulphanilamides / M. Boiko, О.Коrkunа, Т. Vrublevska, G.Tеslyar // Chemistry & Chemical Technology. – 2015. – Vol. 9, No. 4. – P. 401-410.
12. Smolinska M. Development and validation of the simple and sensitive spectrophotometric method of sulphanilamides determination with 4-(2-thiazolylazo) resorcinol in veterinary preparations / M. Smolinska, O. Korkuna, T. Vrublevska, P. Rudchuk, G. Tеslyar // Open Chem. – 2015. – Vol. 13, – P. 1254-1268.
13. Коркуна О. Вольтамперометричне визначення сульфадиметоксину за допомогою моноазобарвника тропеоліну О / О. Коркуна, П. Ридчук, Т. Врублевська, М. Смолінська // Вісн. Львів. ун-ту. Серія хім. – 2016. – Вип. 57., Ч.1 – С. 174-187.
14. Korkuna O. The spectrophotometry of rutin with platinum metals (Ru(III, IV), Rh(III), Pd(II), Os(IV), Ir(III), Pt(IV)) / O. Korkuna, T. Vrublevska, O. Ridka, G. Manzyuk, V. Vrublevskiy // Monografia pod red. M.Kopacz, J.Pusza, J.Kalembkiewicza”Współczesne aspekty badań flawonoidów”, Oficyna Wyd. PRz, Rzeszów. – 2016. – S.415–422.
15. Коркуна О.Я. Аналіз лікарських засобів. Лабораторний практикум : навчально-метод. посіб. / О.Я. Коркуна. – Львів : ЛНУ імені Івана Франка, 2012. – 464 с.


Place of birth: town of Striy, L’viv region

Brief Statement of Scientific Carrier and Qualification

01.09.1985-20.06.1995   school-years in Stryj Secondary School №2; finished with Golden Medal for Special Successes at Studies

01.09.1993-20.06.1995  studied in a class with the deep study of physics

1993 was the winner of biological school olympiad of Stryj district
1995 was the winner of chemical and biological school olympiad of Stryj district
1993-1994  studied in Small Academy of Sciences at Ivan Franko State University of L’viv at the Biological Faculty (Plants Physiology Department)
01.09.1995-27.06.2000  a student of Chemical Faculty of Ivan Franko National University of L’viv; graduated with Honours Diploma. Speciality: Chemistry. Qualification: Chemist. Secondary school teacher of Chemistry.

1995-1997  a member of student’s scientific society of inorganic chemistryon
1997-2000  a member of student’s scientific society of analytical chemistry
09.11.1998-14.11.1998 a participant of the best students delegation of the chemical faculty of Ivan Franko National University of L’viv at IX General Polish School of Chemistry in Smerek ” Bieszczadzka Jesień”98”

on September 21-25, 2002 participant in the pre-conference summer school “New Functional Materials in Chemical Analysis”, which will be organized by the Scientific council of Analytical Chemistry at Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National University and INTAS (obtained INTAS grant for participation in pre-conference school)
01.11.2000-31.10.2004 post-graduate student of Analytical Chemistry Department, Ivan Franko National University of L’viv;
01.10.2002-30.06.2003 probation period in Maria Curie-Sklodowska University at Department of Physical Chemistry and Physicochemical Methods of Separation (Lublin, Poland), (the grant of European College of the Polish and Ukrainian universities)

01.12.2002-31.12.2002  and 01.04.2004-30.04.2004 worked on probations at Jagiellonian University (Kraków, Poland) (scholarship of the Queen Jadwiga Fund)

01.10.2004-31.07.2005  probation at Technical University of Dresden (Dresden, Germany. (10 month scholarship of Deutscher Akademiscer Austauschdienst (DAAD)).

on August 20-21, 2005  participant in the 1st FEZA (The Federation of European Zeolite Associations) School on Zeolites for PhD students, young researchers and industrial newcomers, which will be organized at the J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry in Prague. The objective of the 1st FEZA School has been to highlight the current state of the art in zeolite research and industrial applications.

01-14.10.2005 junior research officer of the Analytical Chemistry Department of Chemical Faculty of Ivan Franko National University of L’viv

15.10.2005 -05.2009 assistant of the Analytical Chemistry Department of Ivan Franko National University of L’viv

on February 17, 2006  Defending of PhD thesis at the Analytical Chemistry Department of Ukrainian State Chemical and Technological University in Dnipropetrovs’k (Ukraine), titled “Pd(II) sorptive concentration on clinoptilolite and mordenite and its application in analysis”.

on May 11, 2006 confering the rank of candidate of chemical science by the Higher Accrediting Commission of Ukraine

from 06.2009 up tuday Associate Professor of the Analytical Chemistry Department of Ivan Franko National University of L’viv

on September 26, 2012 confering the academic rank of Associate Professor of the Department of Analytical Chemistry

On today co-author of 45 scientific publications in the field of analytical and inorganic chemistry and 7 patent for a utility model, participant of 67 scientific conferences.


From September 2012 to May 2013, a scholarship of  the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for young scientists.


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