Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies

PhD and Doctorate are basic forms of scientific-pedagogical and scientific personnel of higher qualification.

In Ukraine, PhD and Doctorate opens at higher educational institutions of the third or fourth levels of accreditation and similar postgraduate educational institutions or scientific institutions that have highly qualified educational and scientific personnel and advanced research, experimental and material resources.

Postgraduate study is carried out separately from the job (full-time) and on the job (part-time).

Rights and responsibilities of postgraduate students

PhD students have the right to:

1. Use educational and productional, scientific, cultural, sports and recreational base of higher education institutions or research institutions.

2. Get any open scientific information and scientific advice.

3. Participate in the research activities of the department, division, laboratory.

4. Get established amount of state scholarship if enrolled separately from the job in the state order.

5. Interrupt the studying for good reasons, with resuming it later. Duration and number of interruptions of study and valid reasons are determined by the Academic Council of the university or research institution.

6. Go on annual vacation for up to two calendar months included in the total period of study in case of studying separately from the job.

7. Participate in elections to local government of the university or research institution.

8. Work part-time in accordance with the laws of Ukraine (based on contracts signed).

9. Have safe and harmless studying and working conditions.

10. Be provided with comfortable housing during studying in case of admission to study separately from the job in the state order, provided payment for the housing by student (from other cities).

11. Requiring by universities or research institutions from postgraduate student duties, which aren’t associated with the preparation of the thesis, is prohibited.

PhD students are required to:

1. Comply with the requirements of legislation, moral, ethical norms.

2. Deeply acquire knowledge, practical skills, professional skills, raise the general cultural level.

3. Master the methodology of scientific research.

4. Report on the progress of the thesis at the meeting of the faculty, department, laboratory, academic council of the university or research institution.

5. Defend the thesis in a timely manner and submit it to the specialized Academic Council.

6. Comply with the regulations and rules of internal order of the university, research institution.

What is needed for successful implementation of paragraph 6 of the above obligations?

More information can be found on a Postgraduate and doctoral department website