
Dear Colleagues!

With great pleasure we would like to invite you for the participation in the XVIII Scientific Conference “Lviv Chemical Readings – 2021” organized by the Faculty of Chemistry of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv on May 31 – June 2 2021.

1st Announcement.

Оrganizing committee


Dear Colleagues!

With great pleasure we would like to invite you for the participation in the XVII Scientific Conference “Lviv Chemical Readings – 2019” organized by the Faculty of Chemistry of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv on June 2-5 2019.

1st Announcement.

Оrganizing committee


VI School of Young Scientists – Congress of crystallographs of Ukraine

September 26-28, 2018, the VI School of Young Scientists will be held at the Department of Inorganic Chemistry at the Faculty of Chemistry of Lviv Ivan Franko National University, the Congress of Crystalographers of Ukraine.

The purpose of the School is to familiarize participants with modern X-ray diffraction methods of studying the structure of matter, to demonstrate special equipment and experimental use of X-ray diffraction, as well as to improve knowledge in the calculated methods of X-ray diffraction analysis.

The program of the School is scheduled for four lectures by leading specialists in the field of powder and single crystal diffraction, and three master classes on X-ray phase and structural analysis, crystalline structure determination, crystallographic databases, meetings with well-known scientists and colleagues-crystallographs.

The initiator of the School is the Department of Inorganic Chemistry at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. Diffraction methods for investigating the crystalline structure were initiated at the department in the 50’s of the last century and are fruitfully developing today. The achievements and great scientific experience of the scientists of the department point to the priority achievements in this direction.


VIII Ukrainian Congress on Electrochemistry with the participation of foreign scientists and
VI Scientific-practical seminar for students, postgraduates and young scientists
“Applied aspects of electrochemical analysis”,
devoted to the 100th anniversary of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

During June 4-7, 2018, at the Faculty of Chemistry of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, for the informational, financial and organizational support of the Lviv City Council, the Steering Committee of the Lviv Scientific University Program and the Lviv Communal Bureau Lviv Communal Enterprise, the VIIIth Ukrainian Congress on Electrochemistry and VI Scientific and Practical Seminar for Students, Postgraduates and Young Scientists “Applied Aspects of Electrochemical Analysis” devoted to the 100th anniversary of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. More than 100 scientists (including 2 academicians and 4 correspondent members of the National Academy of Sciences, about one third of the participants – young people) took part in the work of two sections of the Conference, namely “Fundamental problems of electrochemical and electrochemical kinetics” and “Chemical engineering and technical electrochemistry”. scientists) who presented 14 plenary, 38 oral and 35 poster presentations. The co-authors of these reports, as well as 33 correspondence correspondence, were 350 scientists representing: 35 higher educational institutions of Ukraine; 13 research institutes of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; 13 foreign scientific institutions (institutes and universities); 3 commercial firms (incl. 2 – foreign)


IV Scientific-methodical conference “Modern trends in chemistry training”
The Department of Inorganic Chemistry of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv invites you to take part in the work of the IV Scientific and Methodological Conference “Modern trends in chemistry training”, which will be held April 14, 2018 in the auditorium № 2 of the chemical faculty (Lviv, Cyril and Methodius St., 6). Registration of participants from 9.30 am, beginning of the conference at 10.00.

Areas of work of the conference:
– teaching chemistry in general education and vocational schools;
– methodical preparation of chemists in higher educational establishments;
– motivation and formation of a steady interest in the study of chemistry as an important natural science;
– the latest information and communication technologies in chemical education;
– research component of the activity of the teacher of chemistry;
– priority directions of scientific research in the field of chemistry and the introduction of their results in the professional training of chemistry teacher.