Your Perspectives

Currently, the faculty prepares bachelors and masters in the specialty “Chemistry”. The faculty has 4 departments – organic, inorganic, analytical and physical and colloidal chemistry, where students choose appropriate specializations. In addition, you can choose “environmental chemistry” and “medical chemistry” specializations. Chemistry Faculty of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv has one of the largest enrollments in Ukraine for the budget form of education for this specialty (77 people). The licensed volume (120 people) gives the opportunity to enter the faculty to almost everyone who has certificates of external examination with the number of points specified in the Admission Rules. The specialty “Secondary Education. Chemistry ” was also recently added.

In the diplomas of our graduates, the “specialty – Chemistry” is written, which covers all the narrower specialties of the chemical profile that can be obtained in other educational institutions. This provides our graduates with ample opportunities for employment. Workplaces of our graduates:

  • educational institutions of all levels (schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, colleges, universities);
  • scientific work (admission to postgraduate studies in Ukraine and abroad);
  • research institutes;
  • enterprises of the chemical, pharmaceutical, food, alcohol, perfumery, cosmetic industry;
  • construction industry;
  • chemical and environmental control laboratories;
  • expert services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and customs;
  • sanitary-epidemiological service; state institutions for certification and product quality control;
  • certification and standardization centers;
  • power plants;
  • nature protection services;
  • marketing of chemical products;
  • entrepreneurial activity in the field of chemistry,
  • scientific consulting companies.

The high professional level of graduates of the faculty is recognized both in Ukraine and abroad. Our graduates have no problems with working abroad. Many of them work in universities and industrial laboratories or study at graduate schools in the USA, Germany, Poland and other countries.

Students of the faculty are winners of All-Ukrainian contests of scientific works, Olympiads (including international ones) every year. They have the opportunity to work in laboratories, perform scientific work, and publish the results in scientific journals. Scientific works are conducted in various directions, in particular: molecular design of organic compounds, synthesis and research of substances that exhibit biological activity (including anticancer), are materials for organic electronics and have other areas of practical application; modern methods of environmental analysis; materials for the latest energy sources; modern nanomaterials for technology.

During their studies, students have the opportunity to study and do internships at foreign universities (the university has cooperation agreements with more than 70 universities from other countries). Students are provided with a dormitory. They have the opportunity to work in well-known creative teams.

The Faculty of Chemistry has 130 employees, including 12 doctors of science, professors, 48 ​​candidates of science (7 faculty employees are laureates of the State Prizes of Ukraine in the field of science and technology, 5 are honored professors of Lviv University), 20 post-graduate students, 4 doctoral students, about 400 students.