
Development strategy of the Faculty of Chemistry

Our mission 

Teaching chemistry and performing scientific research in chemistry were started at Lviv National University of Franko in 1784 with the creation of the laboratory. So, since the department of chemistry was created in 1944 we have stable academic traditions and significant scientific achievements. Nowadays the department of chemistry is one of the main science centres in Ukraine, in some areas of scientific research particularly in crystal chemistry of intermetallic compounds. “Chemia are synthesis et analysis est ” is written on the emblem of the university that motivates students to be experts in their field. Our values are the highest quality of education and world level of scientific research that can lead to the formation of the personality of the specialist.

Our vision

The Faculty of Chemistry is believed to be the flagship of the university thanks to the combination of educational process and scientific work, involvement of stakeholders for educational programs improvement. Ukrainian and foreign students are taught by Ukrainian and foreigh teachers. Comfortable classrooms and laboratories are equipped with  modern appliances. Students are always involved in the educational process for solving scientific problems together with their social and cultural life that form the elite of the university. University staff are invited to lecture in world educational centers where great scientific projects are carried out. Thanks to the modern scientific equipment available at the faculty foreign scientists come to us to conduct unique experiments. Much of the research is done in collaboration with local companies, which are formed on the basis of the best university startups.

Our goals

The first strategic goal of the faculty is to popularize natural sciences, motivation to study them, and increase the prestige of the speciality Chemistry among young people who plan to get higher education. Powerful promotional activities in the media space, including faculty websites, are to highlight the best achievements of faculty scientists and successful graduates. Development and implementation of training programmes that are flexible to modern labor market requirements, involvement of all stakeholders in the educational process. Involvement of foreign students in English language master’s and PhD programs. Providing all disciplines with electronic courses. Constant improvement of the professional level of teachers. Update of material and technical support of educational and research laboratories of the faculty. Increasing the level of research funding through active participation in international grant programs and with the participation of science intensive industries. Participation of scientists in major international research projects.