
Welcome to the website of Faculty of Chemistry

Around us are over 10 million of the organic and inorganic compounds, made by Nature or synthesized by Human. The task of chemistry is to study these substances and their transformation to detect links between their composition, structure and properties.

Faculty of Chemistry was established in 1945. On the emblem of Faculty it is written: «Chemia ars synthesis et analysis est» (Chemistry is art of synthesis and analysis). The Faculty is proud of its alumni and renowned scientific schools of crystal chemistry of the intermetallic and coordination compounds, macromolecular chemistry, organic synthesis of heterocyclic compounds, searching for new analytical forms and development of modern methods of analysis that have made a significant contribution to fundamental science and practical application of its achievements.

The staff and students of the Faculty are doing everything to promote the theme of the International Year of Chemistry 2011: “Chemistry – our life, our future”.  

Dean, dr. G. Dmytriv

TV about the results of research by scientists of the Faculty of Chemistry:


Thermoelectric materials

New generation batteries