Liliya Dubenska

Position: Chairperson, Department of Analytical Chemistry

Scientific degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences

Academic status: Associate Professor

Phone (office): (032) 260-03-89


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Research interests

Voltammetric analysis:

processes of complexation of metals with electroactive ligands (particularly with triphenylmethane and azo dyes) and their utilization in the analysis;
derivatization reactions of organic substances for further determination of substances by voltammetry;
development of methods of voltammetric determination of substances.




  1. L. Dubenska, H. Levytska, N. Poperechna Polarographic investigation of reduction of some azodyes and their complexes with rare earths // Talanta –2001. – Vol.54., No. 2 – 221-231.
  2. L.O. Dubenskaya, G.D. Levitskaya, N.P. Poperechnaya  Use of organic reagents for the voltammetric determination of rare-earth elements// Anal. Chem. – 2005. – Vol.60., No. 4 – P.304309.
  3. L.O. Dubenskaya, G.D. Levitskaya, N.P. Poperechnaya, S.V. Tymoshuk , V.  Kopot’ Voltammetric Reduction of In(III)-Eriochrome Red B Complexes. // J. Anal. Chem. – 2005. – Vol.60., No. 11 – P.1052-1055.
  4. H. Levytska, O. Bilyk, L. Dubenska Voltammetric Determination of Zr (IV) Based on Complexation Reaction with Azodyes // Anal. – 2006. – V.51. – P. 391397.
  5. S. Pysarevska, L. Dubenska, H. Levytska Complexation of Sc(III), Ga(III), In(III) and Ln(III) with eriochrome red B  // J. Solution Chem. – 2008. – Vol. 37, No. 12– P. 1809–1818
  6. S. Pysarevska , L. Dubenska, I. Voskalo Voltammetric determination of Sc(III) in objects using some azo dyes // Visnyk Lviv Univ. Ser. Chem. – 2012. – Vol. 53. – P. 165–173.
  7. S. Pysarevska , L. Dubenska, I. Spanik, Ya. Kovalyshyn, S.  Tvorynska Reactions of o,o′-dihydroxy azo dyes with the third group M(III) ions: spectroscopic and electrochemical study// Journal of Chemistry, Hindawi Publishing Corporation. – Vol. 2013. – Article ID 853763– 10 p.
  8. L.  Dubenska Triphenylmethane dyes in voltammetric analysis // Methods and objects of chemical analysis. 2013. Vol.8, No. 3. P. 124131.
  9. S. Pysarevska, L. Dubenska, V. Dutka, Ja. Kovalskyj, S. Plotycja, S. Tvorynska Characterization of Ga(III) and In(III) complexes with some o,o’-dihydroxyazodyes // Visnyk Lviv Univ. Ser. Chem. – 2014. – Vol. 55. – P. 249–259.
  10. L. Dubenska, S. Pysarevska, S. Tvorynska, І. Horfynjak Comparison of azo dyes for polarographic determination of lanthanides // Visnyk Lviv Univ. Ser. Chem. – 2015. – Vol. 56. – P. 160–167.
  11. L. Dubenska, S. Tvorynska, S. Pysarevska , Rak. Selection of reagents for voltammetric analysis of samples containing simultaneously Al(III), Ga(III), In(III), Sc(ІІІ) or REE(ІІІ) // Chem. Met. Alloys. – 2015. – Vol. 8, No. 1/2 – P.10-15.
  12. S. Plotycya, L. Dubenska, M. Blazhejevskyj, S. Pysarevska, O. Sarahman Determination of local anesthetics of amide group in pharmaceutical preparations by cyclic voltammetry // Electroanalysis – 2016. – Vol. 28, No, 10. – P. 2575 – 2581.
  13. S. Plotytsya, L. Dubenska, M. Blazheyevskiy, O. Sarakhman The validation of method of lidocaine polarographic determination in injection solution // Visnyk Lviv Univ. Ser. Chem. – 2016. – Iss. 57., Pt.1. – P. 203–211.
  14. L. Dubenska, S. Plotycya, M. Blazheyevskіy, V. Demel’ko Comparison of oxidizing agents as reagents for polarographic determination of lidocaine // Visnyk Lviv Univ. Ser. Chem. – 2017. – Iss. 58., Pt.1. – P. 231–238.
  15. Л.О. Дубенська, С.І. Плотиця, М.Є. Блажеєвський, М.Я. Пилипець, О.М. Сарахман. Метод вольтамперометрії для визначення лікарських речовин // Methods and objects of chemical analysis. – 2017. – Vol. 12, No. 2. – P. 61-75.
  16. S. Pysarevska, L. Dubenska, S. Plotycya, L. Svorc A state-of-the-art approach for facile and reliable determination of benzocaine in pharmaceuticals and biological samples based on the use of miniaturized boron-doped diamond electrochemical sensor // Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. – Vol. 270. – P. 9–17.
  17. Ye. Blazheyevskiy, Y.Y. Serdiukova, S.P. Karpova, L.O. Dubenska. Kinetic investigation of Famotidine S-oxidation reaction using potassium caroate. Development and validation of the titrimetric method for the quantitative determination of Famotidine in pure substance and medical preparation // Ars Pharm. – 2018– Vol.59, No. 2. – Р. 1-8.
  18. L. Dubenska, S. Pysarevska , S. Tvorynska, M. Mykytyuk, O. Drymalyk. The use of some heterocyclic azo dyes in polarographic analysis of metal ions // Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Chemistry. – 2018. – Vol , Pt. 1. – P.172-181.
  19. S. Plotycya, O. Strontsitska, S. Pysarevska, M. Blazheyevskiy, L. Dubenska. A new approach for the determination of benzocaine and procaine in pharmaceuticals by single-sweep polarography // International Journal of Electrochemistry, Hindawi Publishing Corporation. – 2018. – Vol. 2018. – Article ID 1376231 – 10 p.
  20. L. Dubenska, S. Plotycya, M. Pylypets, S. Pysarevska. Diazotation and azo coupling as the derivatizatio reactions for polarographic determination of some local anesthetics // Voprosy khimii i khimicheskoi tehnologii. – 2018. – № 5 – P. 1222.
  21. M. Ye. Blazheyevskiy, L. О. Dubenska, V. Moroz Concerning the correctness of the presentation of the test results in the chemical-pharmaceutical analysis // Праці НТШ. Хімічні науки. – 2018. – Vol. LIII. – P. 4762.
  22. S. Pysarevska, L. Dubenska Advances in the electrochemical determination of gallium(III) // Chem. Met. Alloys. – 2018. – Vol.11, No. (1/2). – P.344.
  23. S. Tvorynska, B. Josypčuk, J. Barek, L. Dubenska Electrochemical Behavior and Sensitive Methods of the Voltammetric Determination of Food Azo Dyes Amaranth and Allura Red AC on Amalgam Electrodes // Food Anal. Methods. – 2019. – Vol.12, No. 2. – P. 409-421.
  24. O. Sarakhman, S. Pysarevska, L. Dubenska, D.M. Stanković, P. Otřísal, A. Planková, K. Kianičková, Ľ. Švorc. Voltammetric Protocol for Reliable Determination of a Platelet Aggregation Inhibitor Dipyridamole on a Bare Miniaturized Boron-Doped Diamond Electrochemical Sensor // J. Electrochem. Soc. – 2019 – 166, No. 4, –P. B219-B226.
  25.  S. Plotycya, S. Pysarevska, О. Dushna, L. Dubenska On mechanism of reduction on DME of some compounds with local anesthetic activity N-oxides containing tertiary amine // Visnyk Lviv Univ. Ser. Chem. – 2019. – Iss. 60., Pt.1. – P. 191–199.
  26. M. Ye. Blazheyevskiy, L. О. Dubenska An application of derivatization by the peroxic acid oxidation for the determination of fentiasine derivatives by indirect spectrophytometry method (a review) // Odesa National University Herald. Chemistry – 2019. – Iss. 24, No. 4 (72) – P. 28–44.
  27. L. Dubenska, O. Dushna, S. Pysarevska, M. Blazheyevskiy. A New Approach for Voltammetric Determination of Nefopam and its Metabolite. // Electroanalysis – 2020. –Vol. 32, No. 3. – P. 626 – 634.
  28. O. Sarakhman, L. Dubenska, Ľ. Švorc. First voltammetric behavior study of non-narcotic analgesic drug nefopam and its reliable determination on boron-doped diamond electrodes. // Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, – 2020 – Vol. 858.
  29. S. Pysarevska, S. Plotycya, L. Dubenska. Voltammetry of local anesthetics: theoretical and practical aspects // Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry
  30. L.O.Dubenska, A.V. Dmukhailo , S.I.Tvorynska , P.V. Rydchuk , L.V. Dubenska Synthetic Food Dyes – Some Aspects of Use and Methods of Determination// Methods Objects Chem. Anal. – 2020, 15, No. 1 – P. 5-20.


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