Oksana Zelinska

Position: Associate Professor, Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Associate Dean, Faculty of Chemistry of educational and methodical work

Scientific degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences

Academic status: Associate Professor

Phone (office): +38(032) 239-45-06

Email: oksana.zelinska@lnu.edu.ua

Google Scholar profile: scholar.google.com.ua

ORCID profile: orcid.org

Scopus profile: www.scopus.com

Web of Science (Publons) profile: publons.com

Research interests

  • phase diagrams of multicomponent metal systems
  • crystal structure of intermetallic compounds
  • magnetic, electrical and electrochemical properties of intermetallics



  1. V. Kordan, I. Tarasiuk, O. Zelinska, V. Pavlyuk, Synthesis and properties of Lix+yTi2Sn3-y and LiyTi2Sn1-y solid solutions, Visn. Lviv Univ., Ser. Chem. 63 (2022) 117-124.
  2. V. Nytka, V. Kordan, I. Tarasiuk, O. Zelinska, V. Pavlyuk, Polymorphism of the Tb2Ni7 binary compound. Solubility of lithium and magnesium in α-phase, Visn. Lviv Univ., Ser. Chem. 63 (2022) 74-81.
  3. N.O. Chorna, V.M. Kordan, A.M. Mykhailevych, O.Ya. Zelinska, A.V. Zelinskiy, K. Kluziak, R.Ya. Serkiz, V.V. Pavlyuk, Electrochemical hydrogenation, lithiation and sodiation of the GdFe2-xMx and GdMn2-xMx intermetallics, Vopr. Khim. Khim. Tekhnol. 2(2021) 139-149.
  4. V. Kordan, V. Nytka, I. Tarasiuk, O. Zelinska, V. Pavlyuk, Synthesis, crystal structure, and electrochemical hydrogenation of the La2Mg17-xMx (M = Ni, Sn, Sb) solid solutions, Eur. J. Chem. 12(2) (2021) 197–203.
  5. N. Chorna, V. Kordan, V. Nytka, О. Zelinska, I. Tarasiuk, A. Zelinskiy, V. Pavlyuk, Electrochemical hydrogenation of the R2Zn17-xMnx phases (R = Y, La, Gd, Tb), Chem. Met. Alloys. 13 (3/4) (2020) 78–84.
  6. V.V. Shtender, V.V. Pavlyuk, O.Ya. Zelinska, W. Nitek, V. Paul-Boncour, G.S. Dmytriv, W. Łasocha, I.Yu. Zavaliy, The Y–Mg–Co ternary system: alloys synthesis, phase diagram at 500 оC and crystal structure of the new compounds, J. Alloys Compd. 812 (2020) 152072.
  7. V. Kordan, V. Nytka, I. Tarasiuk, O. Zelinska, R. Serkiz, V. Pavlyuk, Continious series of solid solutions Tb2Ni17-xCox, 0 ≤ x ≤ 17. Structural and electrochemical characteristics of alloys, Visn. Lviv Univ., Ser. Chem. 61(1) (2020) 80-92. (in Ukrainian)
  8. V. Kordan, O. Zelinska, I. Tarasiuk, A. Zelinskiy, R. Serkiz, V. Pavlyuk, Isothermal section of the Mg–Ti–Sn phase diagram at 400 ºС, Visn. Lviv. Univ., Ser. Chem. 61(1) (2020) 22-35. (in Ukrainian)
  9. V. Kordan, O. Zhyshkovych, O. Zelinska, V. Pavlyuk, R. Serkiz, Pecularities of electrochemical lithiation of the binary intermetallics of the systems {Ti, V}–Al, Visn. Lviv Univ., Ser. Chem. 60(1) (2019) 127-139. (in Ukrainian)
  10. N. Chorna, N. Sagan, O. Zelinska, V. Kordan, A. Zelinskiy, V. Pavlyuk, Phase equilibria in the ternary system Gd–Fe–Zn and electrochemical hydrogenation of the phases, Chem. Met. Alloys 11(1/2) (2018) 27-33.
  11. N. Chorna, V. Andrash, O. Zelinska, V. Kordan, A. Zelinskiy, V. Pavlyuk, Crystal structure and electrochemical hydrogenation of LaZn5-xMnx solid solution, Visn. Lviv Univ., Ser. Chem. 59(1) (2018) 107-114. (in Ukrainian)
  12. V. Kordan, O. Zelinska, I. Tarasiuk, R. Serkiz, V. Pavlyuk, LaSn3-based solid solutions as new electrode materials for Li-ion batteries, Visn. Lviv Univ., Ser. Chem. 59(1) (2018) 115-122. (in Ukrainian)
  13. V.V. Shtender, V.V. Pavlyuk, R.V. Denys, J.-C. Crivello, O.Ya. Zelinska, B. Marciniak, I.Yu. Zavaliy, Y6Mg9Co2 and Y9Mg30Co2: Novel magnesium-rich compounds representing new structure types, J. Alloys Compd. 737 (2018) 613-622.
  14. V. Kordan, O. Zelinska, V. Pavlyuk, Reactions of combination, decomposition and substitution during electrochemical intercalation of lithium into the structures of Tb5Sn3 and Tb5Sb3 compounds, Visn. Lviv Univ., Ser. Chem. 58(1) (2017) 108-116. (in Ukrainian)
  15. V. Kordan, V. Nytka, G. Kovalczyk, A. Balinska, O. Zelinska, R. Serkiz, V. Pavlyuk, Influence of doping elements on the efficiency of electrochemical hydrogenation of the phases with the Th2Ni17-type structure, Chem. Met. Alloys 10(2) (2017) 61-68.
  16. Z.M. Shpyrka, O.Ya. Zelinska, V.V. Pavlyuk, Formation of professional competencies of biology students while solving chemical problems, Coll. Scient. Works II All-Ukr. Scient. Pract. Int. Conf. “Current issues of training future chemistry teachers: theory and practice”, Vinnytsia 3 (2017) 95-98.
  17. V.V. Shtender, O.Ya. Zelinska, V.V. Pavlyuk, R.V. Denys, V. Paul-Boncour, I.Yu. Zavaliy, B. Marciniak, E. Różycka-Sokołowska, Phase equilibria in the Nd–Mg–Co system at 300 and 500 °C, crystal structure and hydrogenation behavior of selected compounds, Intermetallics 87 (2017) 61-69.
  18. V. Kordan, O. Zelinska, V. Pavlyuk, V. Nytka, R. Serkiz, Electrochemical hydrogenation of Tb2Ni17-xMx (M = Mg, Sn) phases, Сhem. Met. Alloys 9(3/4) (2016) 153-157.
  19. V. Kordan, O. Zelinska, V. Pavlyuk, I. Oshchapovsky, R. Serkiz, Electrochemical lithiation of Ti5M3, Ti3M and Zr3M (M = Sn, Sb) binary intermetallics, Chem. Met. Alloys 9(1/2) (2016) 84-91.
  20. V. Kordan, V. Pavlyuk, O. Zelinska, Electrochemical lithiation of magnesium and tin, Visn. Lviv Univ., Ser. Chem. 57(1) (2016) 148-154. (in Ukrainian)
  21. V.V. Shtender, R.V. Denys, I.Yu. Zavaliy, O.Ya. Zelinska, V. Paul-Boncour, V.V. Pavlyuk, Phase equilibria in the Tb–Mg–Co system at 500 °C, crystal structure and hydrogenation properties of selected compounds, J. Solid State Chem. 232 (2015) 228-235.
  22. N. Dychko, O. Zelinska, A. Zelinskiy, V. Pavlyuk, Isothermal section of the La–Fe–Zn at 670 K, Visn. Lviv Univ., Ser. Chem. 56(1) (2015) 46-52. (in Ukrainian)
  23. O.Ya. Zelinska, Z.M. Shpyrka, Formation of the readiness of the future teacher of chemistry for innovative professional activities, Coll. Scient. Art. Int. Scient.-Method. Conf. “Methods of teaching chemical and ecological disciplines”, Brest, Belarus (2015) 48-51.
  24. A. Stetskiv, V. Kordan, I. Tarasiuk, O. Zelinska, V. Pavlyuk, Structural peculiarities and electrochemical properties of R5M3 (R = La, Gd; M = Ge, Sn) doped by lithium, Chem. Met. Alloys 7 (2014) 106-111.
  25. V.M. Kordan, Yu.A. Bobrovska, O.Ya. Zelinska, Creating problem situations while studying inorganic chemistry at school, Mater. Int. Scient.-Pract. Conf. “Methods of teaching natural sciences in secondary and higher school”, Poltava, Ukraine (2014) 123-125. (in Ukrainian)
  26. A. Zelinskiy, A. Fedorchuk, O. Zelinska, Synthesis and crystal structure of the compounds UMn1.43Ga0.57 and U2Fe3Ga, Visn. Lviv Univ., Ser. Chem. 54 (2013) 92-97. (in Ukrainian)
  27. A. Zelinskiy, A. Fedorchuk, O. Zelinska, P. Gladyshevskii, Regularities in crystal structures of the compounds in the U–{Fe, Co, Ni}–Ga systems, Proc. Shevchenko Sci. Soc., Chem. Biochem. XXXIII (2013) 96-107. (in Ukrainian)
  28. V.M. Kordan, Yu.A. Bobrovska, O.Ya. Zelinska, Application of opportunities of problem-based learning in organic chemistry lessons at school, Coll. Scient. Art. Int. Scient.-Method. Conf. “Methods of teaching chemical and ecological disciplines”, Brest, Belarus (2013) 66-69.
  29. Oshchapovsky, O. Zelinska, B. Rozdzynska-Kielbik, V. Pavlyuk, Redetermination of LaZn5 based on single crystal X-ray diffraction data, Acta Crystallogr. E68(1) (2012) i1.
  30. Z. Shpyrka, O. Zelinska, P. Starodub, The ecological component of the professional training of chemistry teachers at a classical university, Coll. Mater. Int. Scient.-Pract. Conf. “Methods of teaching chemical and ecological disciplines”, Brest, Belarus (2012) 267-270.
  31. P.K. Starodub, Z.M. Shpyrka, O.Ya. Zelinska, The role of excursions in the ecological education of students during the study of chemistry at school, Coll. Scient. Works Ukr. Scient.-Pract. Conf. “Chemical and ecological education: state and prospects of development”, Vinnytsia (2012) 46-48. (in Ukrainian)
  32. O. Zelinska, A. Zelinskiy, V. Pavlyuk, X-ray investigation of the RCo5RZn5 (R = La, Ce, Sm, Gd, Tb) quasibinary systems, Visn. Lviv Univ., Ser. Chem. 52 (2011) 41-47. (in Ukrainian)
  33. P.K. Starodub, Z.M. Shpyrka, O.Ya. Zelinska, Pedagogical practice – one of the ways to pedagogical activity of students, Coll. Scient. Works Int. Scient.-Pract. Conf. “Methods of teaching natural sciences in higher and secondary school”. XVIII Karyshyn’s Readings, Poltava (2011) 369-371. (in Ukrainian)
  34. O.Ya. Zelinska, A.V. Tkachuk, A.P. Grosvenor, A. Mar, Structure and physical properties of YbZn2Sb2 and YbCd2Sb2, Chem. Met. Alloys 1(2) (2008) 204-209.
  35. O.Ya. Zelinska, A.V. Zelinskiy, V. Pavlyuk,  Isothermal section of the Sm–Co–Zn and Gd–Co–Zn phase diagrams at 470 K,  Chem. Met. Alloys 1(2) (2008) 168-173.
  36. Y. Liu, L. Chen, L.-H. Li, L.-M. Wu, O.Ya. Zelinska, A. Mar, Structures and physical properties of rare-earth zinc antimonides Pr6Zn1+xSb14+y and RE6Zn1+xSb14 (RE = Sm, Gd-Ho), Inorg. Chem. 47(24) (2008) 11930-11941.
  37. V. Pavlyuk, P. Solokha, O. Zelinska, V. Paul-Boncour, A. Nowik-Zając, Ce20Mg19Zn81: a new structure type with a giant cubic cell, Acta Crystallogr. C64 (2008) i50-i52.
  38. O.Ya. Zelinska, A. Mar, Ternary rare-earth manganese bismuthides: structures and physical properties of RE3MnBi5 (RE = La–Nd) and Sm2Mn3Bi6, Inorg. Chem. 47(1) (2008) 297-305.
  39. O.Ya. Zelinska, A. Mar, Structure and electrical resistivity of rare-earth zinc bismuthides REZn1-xBi2 (RE = La, Ce, Pr), J. Alloys Compd. 451 (2008) 606-609.
  40. H. Bie, O.Ya. Zelinska, A.V. Tkachuk, A. Mar, Structures and Physical Properties of Rare-Earth Chromium Germanides RECrGe3 (RE = La–Nd, Sm), Chem. Mater. 19 (18) (2007) 4613-4620.
  41. H. Bie, D.S.H. Moore, D.G. Piercey, A.V. Tkachuk, O.Ya. Zelinska, A. Mar, Ternary rare-earth titanium antimonides: phase equilibria in the RE–Ti–Sb (RE = La, Er) systems and crystal structures of RE2Ti7Sb12 (RE = La, Ce, Pr, Nd) and RETi3(SnxSb1-x)4 (RE = Nd, Sm), J. Solid State Chem. 180 (2007) 2216-2224.
  42. A. Zelinskiy, A. Fedorchuk, O. Zelinska, H. Noёl, New gallium rich intermetallic compounds in the U–M–Ga systems, Visn. Lviv Univ., Ser. Chem. 48 (2007) 72-77. (in Ukrainian)
  43. O.Ya. Zelinska, H. Bie, A. Mar, Structure of Cd12.7(1)Sb10, Chem. Mater. 19(6) (2007) 1518-1522.
  44. O.Ya. Zelinska, A. Mar,  Structure and physical properties of rare-earth zinc antimonides REZn1-xSb2 (RE = La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb),  J. Solid State Chem. 179(12) (2006) 3776-3783.
  45. A.V. Tkachuk, O.Ya. Zelinska, A. Mar, Structure and physical properties of nonstoichiometric rare-earth cadmium antimonides, RECd1-xSb2 (RE = La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm), J. Solid State Chem. 179(5) (2006) 1506-1512.
  46. V. Pavlyuk, W. Prochwicz, P. Solokha, O. Zelinska, B. Marciniak, E. Różycka-Sokołowska,  Interaction of the components in the Ce–Cu–Zn ternary system at 200°C. J. Alloys Compd. 407(1-2) (2006) 226-231.
  47. O.Ya. Zelinska, P.G. Solokha, V.V. Pavlyuk,  New intermetallic compounds with the ErCuCd2 type of structure,  J. Alloys Compd. 367(1-2) (2004) 176-179.
  48. O. Zelinska, M. Conrad, B. Harbrecht, Refinement of the crystal structure of cerium zinc (1:11), CeZn11, Z. Kristallogr. NCS 219 (2004) 357-358.
  49. O. Zelinska, V. Pavlyuk, Yu. Gorelenko, A. Zelinskiy, V. Davydov, Crystal structure and magnetic properties of the SmCo4.4Zn0.6 ternary compound, Visn. Lviv Univ., Ser. Chem. 44 (2004) 67-71. (in Ukrainian)
  50. V.V. Pavlyuk, B. Marciniak, E. Różycka-Sokolovska, O.Ya. Zelinska, P.G. Solokha, Solubility of zinc in the CeCu6  intermetallic compound, Intermetallics 12(6) (2004) 665-669.
  51. O. Zelinska, P. Solokha, V. Pavlyuk, A. Zelinskiy, New R3T1-xZnx compounds with AuCu3 structure type, Prace Naukowe WSP w Częstochowie, Chemia 8 (2003) 89-91.
  52. O.Ya. Zelinska, V.V. Pavlyuk, A.V. Zelinskiy, V.M. Davydov, Synthesis and crystal structure of the Tb2Co2Zn15  intermetallic compound, J. Alloys Compd. 343(1-2) (2002) 132-134.
  53. O. Zelinska, V. Pavlyuk, A. Zelinskiy, O. Bodak, Phase equilibria in the system Tb–Co–Zn at 470 K, Visn. Lviv Univ., Ser. Chem. 41 (2002) 36-39. (in Ukrainian)
  54. O.Ya. Zelinska, V.V. Pavlyuk, A.V. Zelinskyy, V.M. Davydov, Crystal structure of LaCo2.17Zn0.83,  J. Alloys Compd. 333(1-2) (2002) 81-83.
  55. O.Ya. Makaryk*, G.S. Dmytriv, D.G. Kevorkov, V.V. Pavlyuk, Comparison of the interaction of components in La–Co–Zn and Ce–Co–Zn ternary systems at 470 K, J. Alloys Compd. 317-318 (2001) 448-449.
  56. O.Ya. Makaryk*, V.V. Pavlyuk, G.S. Dmytriv, J.J. Kozioł, W. Ciesielski, J. Kapuśniak, Interaction of the components in the La–Co–Zn ternary system at 470 K, Prace Naukowe WSP w Częstochowie, Chemia 3 (1999) 85-90.

* maiden name of Zelinska

Patent 86885 Ukraine, MPK6 N01M4/02, N01M4/38, S22S1/00, S22S1/02, S22S19/00. Material for accumulators of hydrogenous and metal-hydride chemical sources of energy / V.V. Pavlyuk, O.Ya. Zelinska, G.S. Dmytriv, P.G. Solokha, I.I. Tarasiuk; applicant and owner Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. – No. a 200711910; appl. 29.10.2007; publ. 25.05.09, Bull. No. 10.


2019-till now – Associate Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry for educational and methodical work, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.

2016-till now – Associate Professor at the Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. The academic title of Associate Professor of Inorganic Chemistry awarded in October 2018.

2008-2016 – Assistant Professor at the Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.

2007-2008 – Researcher at the Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.

2005-2006 – Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Chemistry, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.

2002-2007 – Junior researcher at the Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.

1999-2002 – PhD student of the Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. Thesis “Interaction of zinc with rare earth metals (La, Ce, Sm, Gd, Tb) and cobalt: phase equilibria, crystal structure of compounds and some physical properties” defended in February, 2003.

1994-1999 – Student of the Faculty of Chemistry, Ivan Franko State University of Lviv. Thesis “Isothermal section of the La-Co-Zn phase diagram at 470 K”, diploma with honour.


Academic and administrative service

2019-till now – Member of Academic Council of the Faculty of Chemistry, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.

2019-till now – Member of the Shevchenko Scientific Society.

2020 – Member of organizing committee of the third stage of All-Ukrainian Student Chemistry Olympiad.

2019 – Member of organizing committee of the XVII Scientific Conference “Lviv Chemical Readings – 2019”.

2017-2022 – Secretary of organizing committee of the III-VIII Scientific and Methodological Conference “Modern trends in teaching chemistry”.

2015-2016 – Member of organizing committee of the I, II Scientific and Methodological Conference “Current issues of teaching chemistry in secondary schools”.

2013-2020 – Member of jury of the first stage of the All-Ukrainian tournament of young chemists.

2013-2022 – Member of jury of the International student scientific-practical conference “Ukraine through the eyes of young people”

2013-2015 – Member of jury of the Regional Student Internet Tournament in Chemistry.

2011-till now – Advisor to academic groups of students of the Faculty of Chemistry.

2002-2004 – Member of editorial board of the “Encyclopedia of Lviv University”.


Professional development

2022 – Professional Development Program “English-language Academic Communication”, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine.

2021 – Scientific Intership, Department of Physical, Analytical and General Chemistry, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine.

2016 – Scientific Intership, Department of Biology and Chemistry, Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University, Ukraine.

2015 – Course “Information Technologies in Education”, Institute of Postgraduate Education and Pre-University Training, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine.

2014 – Scientific Intership, Department of General Chemistry, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine.

2008 – DAAD-scholarship, Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Phillips University of Marburg, Germany.

2005 – University of Alberta Professional Development Program, Postdoctoral Fellow Office and University Teaching Service, University of Alberta, Canada.

2003-2004 – DAAD-scholarship, Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Phillips University of Marburg, Germany.

2001, 2002 – Scholarship of the Queen Jadwiga Foundation, Department of Crystal Chemistry and Crystal Physics, Jagiellonian University, Poland.


  • Recognition of the Department of Education and Science of Lviv Regional State Administration (2019).
  • Best student advisor of the Faculty of Chemistry (2013).
  • Winner of All-Ukrainian competition “Invention of the Year – 2011” in the nomination “Best Invention 2011 in Lviv region” (in cooperation with Pavlyuk V.V., Dmytriv G.S., Solokha P.G., Tarasyuk I.I.).
  • Stipend of the Chairman of Lviv Regional Council (1997-1998).
  • Honors Diploma of Lviv Regional Council (1997) for the achievements in studies and academic service.
  • Stipend of Maria Leon Foundation for advanced students (1996-1997).

Teaching materials

  1. Z.M. Shpyrka, O.Ya. Zelinska, Program and methodical materials for pedagogical (assistant) practice of master’s degree students of the Faculty of Chemistry. Lviv: IFNUL, 2018. 46 p. (in Ukrainian)
  2. B.Ya. Kotur, Z.M. Shpyrka, G.P. Nychyporuk, O.Ya. Zelinska, Physico-chemical analysis of multicomponent systems: laboratory practicum. Lviv: Publishing center of IFNUL, 2013. 105 p. (in Ukrainian)
  3. Z.M. Shpyrka, O.Ya. Zelinska, Program and methodical materials for pedagogical practice of master’s students of the Faculty of Chemistry. Lviv: Publishing center of IFNUL, 2011. 45 p. (in Ukrainian)
  4. O. Zelinska, S. Pukas, N. Liaskovska, O. Romaniv, Yu. Lutsyshyn, A. Zelinskiy, Faculty of Chemistry. Materials for the encyclopedia. Encyclopedia of Lviv University. Ed. R. Gladyshevskii. Lviv: Publishing center of IFNUL, 2003. 136 p. (in Ukrainian)


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