Zinoviya Shpyrka

Position: Associate Professor, Department of Inorganic Chemistry

Scientific degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences

Phone (office): (032) 239-45-06

Email: zinoviya.shpyrka@lnu.edu.ua

Google Scholar profile: scholar.google.com.ua

Research interests

  • phase diagrams of intermetallic compuonds
  • crystal chemistry of intermetallic compounds


Author and co-author of 63 scientific articles and 86 abstracts at conferences

Selected publications:

  1. Коkhan Z.М. Investigation of Ce-Sc-Ge system / Z.М. Коkhan, О.I. Bodak // Materialy. – 1983. – Vol. 19. – No 7. – P. 1094-1097. (Inorganic Materials)
  2. Shpyrka Z.М. Isothermal Section of the cerium-gadolinium-germanium system at 870 K / Z.М. Shpyrka, О.М. Kokhan, О.І. Bodak, V.K. Pecharskiy //  АN Ukr RSR. – 1986. –Ser. B. – No 5. – P. 47-49. (Reports of Ukrainian Academy of Sciences)/
  3. Shpyrka Z.М. The La-Ce-Ge system  / Z.M. Shpyrka // Vestn. Lvov. Universiteta. Ser. Khim. – –  No 29. – P. 53-56. (Bulletin of Lviv University, Chemistry).
  4. Mokra І. R. Crystal structure of the DyGe85compound / І.R. Mokra, V.K. Pecharsky, Z.M. Shpyrka, O.I. Bodak, V.K. Belskii, I.E. Pats  // Dop. АN Ukr RSR.  – 1989. – Ser. B. – No 3. – P. 45-50. (Reports of Ukrainian Academy of Sciences).
  5. Shpyrka Z.М. Crystal structure of the R22Sc3Ge4 (R = La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm) and Ce3,66Y0,86Gecompounds / M. Shpyrka, V.A. Bruskov, I.R. Mokra, V.K. Pecharsky, O.I. Bodak, P.Yu. Zavaliy // Nieorgan. Materialy. – 1990. – Vol. 26. – No 5. – P. 969-972.
  6. Shpyrka Z.М. The Sc-{Dy,Y}-Ge systems / Z.M. Shpyrka, І.R. Mokra // Lviv. Universytetu. Ser. Khim. – 1991. –  Issue. 31. – P. 36-40. (Bulletin of Lviv University, Chemistry).
  7. Shpyrka Z. The Ce-Lu-Ge system / Z. Shpyrka, О. Bodak // Lviv. Universytetu. Ser. Khim. – 1994. – Issue. 33. – P.60-63. (Bulletin of Lviv University, Chemistry).
  8. Shpyrka Z.М. The Nd-Sc-Ge system / З Z.М. Shpyrka, О.І. Bodak // RAN Metally – 1995. – No 6. – P. 162-164.
  9. Nakonechna N.Z. Crystal structure of the ScCu2Al and ScCu0,6Al1,4compounds / Z. Nakonechna, Z.M. Shpyrka  // Visn. Lviv. Universytetu.  Ser. Khim. – 1996. – No 36. – P. 29–33. (Bulletin of Lviv University, Chemistry).
  10. Shpyrka Z.  Peculiarities of the components in the systems of the rare earth metals and germanium / Shpyrka Z. , Bodak O. I., Mokra I. R // J. Alloys Сompd. ‒ 1997. ‒ Vol. 247. ‒ P. 217–222. (https://doi.org/10.1016/S0925-8388(96)02589-3)
  11. Gladyshevskii E.І.  Investigation of the La-Tb-Ge system at the region of 0,5-1,0 аt. part. Ge / І.  Gladyshevskii, І.А. Kovalchuk, Z.M. Shpyrka // Visn. Lviv. Universytetu.  Ser. Khim. – 1999. – No 38. – P. 64–69. (Bulletin of Lviv University, Chemistry).
  12. Gladyshevskii E. The La–Tb–Ge / Gladyshevskii, I. Kovalchuk, Z. Shpyrka // Red Book. Constitutional Data and Phase Diagram of Metallic Systems. –  1998. – Vol. 41. – P. 1613-1616.
  13. Shpyrka Z. The Ce-Eu-Ge system in the region of  0,5-1,0 part. Ge / Z.  Shpyrka, O. Bodak, G, Savytska, P. Starodub // Visn. Lviv. Universytetu. Ser. Khim. – 2000. – No 39. – P. 17–20. (Bulletin of Lviv University, Chemistry).
  14. Stetskiv L.V. Mutual solubility of germanides in the La-Gd-Ge system / V. Stetskiv, Z.M. Shpyrka, E. Gladyshevskii // Visn. Lviv. Universytetu. Ser. Khim. – 2001. – No 40. – С. 52–56. (Bulletin of Lviv University, Chemistry).
  15. Bardyn O.  The system La-Ag-Si / О.І. Bardyn, B.D. Belan, O.I. Bodak,O.S.Protsyk, Z.M. Shpyrka // Visn. Lviv. Universytetu. Ser. Khim. – 2001. – No 40. – P. 57–60. (Bulletin of Lviv University, Chemistry).
  16. Shpyrka Z. М.  Crystal structure of the Dy0.5Ho0.5Ge1.75compound / Z. M. Shpyrka, O. I. Bodak, P. K.Starodub // Visn. Lviv. Universytetu. Ser. Khim. – 2002. – No 41. – P. 80–82. (Bulletin of Lviv University, Chemistry).
  17. Mrooz O. Technologikal modification of  Cu0,1Ni0,1Co1,6Mn1,2O4spinel-based ceramics / O. Mrooz, I. Hadzaman, O. Shpotyuk, O. Bodak, P. Demchenko, Z. Shpyrka, L. Akselrud, B. Kotur, S. Volkov, V. Pekhnyo, F. Aldinger, H. Seifert // Visn. Lviv. Universytetu. Ser. Khim. – 2002. – No 41. – P. 107–114. (Bulletin of Lviv University, Chemistry).
  18. Fedyna L. Crystal structure of the Sm3Cu3Sb4 compound/ L. Fedyna, Z. Shpyrka, О. Bodak, А. Fedorchuk // Visn. Lviv. Universytetu. Ser. Khim. ‒  2003. ‒ No. 43. ‒ P. 45-47. (Bulletin of Lviv University, Chemistry).
  19. Fedyna L. Crystal structure of the DyCu1-xSb(x = 0.041) compound / L. Fedyna, О. Bodak, А. Fedorchuk, Z. Shpyrka // Visn. Lviv. Universytetu. Ser. Khim. ‒  2005. ‒ No. ‒ P. 85-88. (Bulletin of Lviv University, Chemistry).
  20. Stupen-Damm J. Crystal structure of the TbFe4Si2compound / J. Stupen-Damm, B. Belan, О. Bodak, L. Kryvulia, Z. Shpyrka // Visn. Lviv. Universytetu. Ser. Khim.  ‒  2004. ‒ No ‒ P. 59-61. (Bulletin of Lviv University, Chemistry).
  21. Myakush О. System Ce-Zr-Ga / О. Myakush, І. Mokra, Z. Shpyrka  // Visn. Lviv. Universytetu. Ser. Khim. ‒  2006. ‒ No. ‒ P. 3-6. (Bulletin of Lviv University, Chemistry).
  22. Shpyrka Z. X-ray investigation of the Gd(Si,Ge)2-x solid solution / Shpyrka, O. Safijanyk, J. Konchyk, B. Marciniak, O. Bodak // Visn. Lviv. Universytetu. Ser. Khim. – 2007.– No. 48. – Part. 1. – P. 26-30. (Bulletin of Lviv University, Chemistry).
  23. Fedyna M. Crystal structure of the SmCu1-[Sb2 (x = 0,019) compound / M.F. Fedyna, А.О. Fedorchuk, O. Fedyna, Z.V. Shpyrka, Ya.O. Tokaychuk // Visn. Universytetu “Lvivska politechnika”. Ser. Khim. ‒  2007. ‒ No 509. ‒ P. 42-45.
  24. Pustovoychenko М. Interactiono of the components in the Y-Mn-In and Sm-Mn-In systems / М. Pustovoychenko, М. Dzevenko, G. Nychyporuk, Z. Shpyrka, Ya. Kalychak // Visn. Lviv. Universytetu. Ser. Khim. ‒  2008. ‒ No. ‒ Part. 1. ‒ P. 64-70. (Bulletin of Lviv University, Chemistry).
  25. Shpyrka Z.. Investigation of the solid solutions DyGe2RGe2, де R‒Y, Gd, Tb, Ho, Er, Tm and Lu at 600 ° C / Shpyrka, L. Drub // Visn. Lviv. Universytetu. Ser. Khim. ‒  2008. ‒ No. 49. ‒ Part. 1. ‒ P. 98-102. (Bulletin of Lviv University, Chemistry).
  26. Koval’chuk L. To the questions of organizing the pedagogical researches of classical university chemical faculty students / Koval’chuk, R. Gladyshevskii< M. Konyk, Z. Shpyrka // Visn. Lviv. Universytetu. Ser. Pedag. ‒  2008. ‒ Vol.24. ‒ P. 77-86. (Bulletin of Lviv University, Pedagogical).
  27. Huk N. Investigation of the Er-Tm-Ge system in the range 0,5-1,0 аt. Ge / N. Huk, Z. Shpyrka, P. Starodub // Visn. Lviv. Universytetu. Ser. Khim.‒  2009. ‒ No.50. ‒ P. 18-27. (Bulletin of Lviv University, Chemistry).
  28. Starodub P. Organizing independent student’s work in the context of bologna process requirements / Starodub, Z. Shpyrka // Visn. Lviv. Universytetu. Ser. Pedag. – 2010. – Is. 26. – P. 85–92. (Bulletin of Lviv University, Pedagogical).
  29. Мelnyk Т. Investigation Gd-Tm-Ge system at 870 K / Т. Melnyk, Z. Shpyrka, R. Serkiz // Visn. Lviv. Universytetu. Ser. Khim. ‒  2011. ‒ Issue.52. ‒ P. 3-13. (Bulletin of Lviv University, Chemistry).
  30. Dominuk N. Crystal structure of the YbNiGe compound / Dominuk, V. Glukhyj, G. Nychyporuk, Z. Shpyrka, V. Zaremba // Visn. Lviv. Universytetu. Ser. Khim. ‒  2011. ‒ Issue.52. ‒ P. 62-66. (Bulletin of Lviv University, Chemistry).
  31. Borotnyak V. Crystal structure of the Dy0,67Tm0,33Ge1,85 compound / V. Borotnyak, Z. Shpyrka, V. Pavlyuk R. Serkiz,  // Visn. Lviv. Universytetu. Ser. Khim. – 2012. – Issue. 53. – P. 66-71. (Bulletin of Lviv University, Chemistry).
  32. Nychyporuk G. Crystal structure of the La5Si2,29In0,71 compound / G. Nychyporuk, Ya. Galadzhun Z. Shpyrka, Ya. Kalychak, V. Zaremba // Visn. Lviv. Universytetu. Ser. Khim. – 2012. – Issue. 53. – P. 103–108. (Bulletin of Lviv University, Chemistry).
  33. Borotnyak V. The quasi-binary system GdGe2–HoGe2 at 870 K / V. Borotnyak, Z. Shpyrka, German // Visn. Lviv. Universytetu. Ser. Khim.  – 2013. – Issue. 54. – Pt. 1.  – P. 45–51. (Bulletin of Lviv University, Chemistry).
  34. Shpyrka Z. Investigation of the solid solution GdGe2–LuGe2пat 870 K / Shpyrka, N. German, V. Pavlyuk  // Visn. Lviv. Universytetu. Ser. Khim.  – 2014. – Issue. 55. – P. 37–46. (Bulletin of Lviv University, Chemistry).
  35. Kravec О. The investigation of the solubility of the silicon in the R2Ge2In compuonds (R= La, Ce, Pr, Nd) / О. Kravec, Nychyporuk, Z. Shpyrka, V. Hlukhyy, D. Kaczorovski, V. Zaremba // Visn. Lviv. Universytetu. Ser. Khim. – 2014. – Issue. 55. – P. 63–70. (Bulletin of Lviv University, Chemistry).
  36. Luchyt L. Research section GdSi2RGe2(R ‒ Tm, Dy) / L. Luchyt, N. German,  Z. Shpyrka // Visn. Lviv. Universytetu. Ser. Khim. – 2015. – Issue. 56. – P. 72–79. (Bulletin of Lviv University, Chemistry).
  37. Zelinskaya О.Ya. Formation of the readiness of the future chemistry teacher for innovative professional activities / О. Ya. Zelinskaya, M. Shpyrka// Coll. Abs. Int. Conf. “Methods of teaching chemical and environmental disciplines”. – Brest, 2015. – P. 48–51.
  38. Kravets O. The crystal structure of a new ternary indide Pr11Ge21In4.79/ O. Kravets, G. Nychyporuk, I. Muts, Z. Shpyrka, V. Hlukhyy, V. Zaremba // Chem. Met. Alloys. – 2016. – Vol. 9, No. 1/2. – P. 54–60. (10.30970/cma9.0322)
  39. Luchyt L. The sections GdSi1,5RGe1,5 (R–Tm, Dy) / L. Luchyt, Z. Shpyrka, N. German,  Serkiz  // Visn. Lviv. Universytetu. Ser. Khim. – 2016. – Issue. 57. – Pt. 1. – P. 34–44. (Bulletin of Lviv University, Chemistry).
  40. Fedyna L. О. Isotermal section of the phase diagram and crystal structures of theckmpounds in the ternary system Tm–Cu–Sb at 870 K / L. О. Fedyna, A. O. Fedorchuk, V. M. Mykhalichko, Z. M. Shpyrka, M. F. Fedyna //  Solid State Scie. – 2017. – Vol. 69. – P. 7-12.(https://doi.org/10.1016/j.solidstatesciences.2017.05.003).
  41. Shpyrka Z. Refinement of the crystal structure of phases in Sc–Ce–Ge system / Z. Shpyrka V. Hrenyukh, N. German, V.  Pavlyuk  // Visn. Lviv. Universytetu. Ser. Khim. – 2017. – Issue. 58. – P. 93-101.
  42. Kravchuk O. Research of the quasi-binary sectionSmGe2-LuGe О. Kravchuk, Z. Shpyrka, N. German, V. Pavlyuk // Lviv. Universytetu. Ser. Khim. – 2018. – Issue. 59. Ч. 1. – P. 83-89.  (https://doi.org/10.30970/vch.5901.083) (Bulletin of Lviv University, Chemistry).
  43. Shpyrka Z. The isothermal Section of the Phase Diagram of Dy-Sm-Ge Ternary System at 873 K / Z. Shpyrka, K. Kluziak, B. Rożdżyńska-Kiełbik, A. Stetskiv, V. Pavlyuk //Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion. – 2018. – Vol.39. – Р. 750-765.(https://doi.org/10.1007/s11669-018-0665-9)
  44. Shpyrka Z. The investigation of alloys on the cross sections RGe2–LuGe2 (– Pr, Nd) and SmGe2R′Ge2 (R′ – Gd, Tb, Ho, Er, Tm) / Z. Shpyrka, Yu. Cheh, О. Yuziv, German, R. Serkiz,  V. Pavlyuk // Visn. Lviv. Universytetu. Ser. Khim. – 2019. – Issue. 60. – Pt. I. – P. 64–72. (https://doi.org/10.30970/vch.6001.064). (Bulletin of Lviv University, Chemistry).
  45. Shpyrka Z. A word about the annivesary – Roman Evgenovych Gladyshevskii / Shpyrka // Visn. Lviv. Universytetu. Ser. Khim. – 2019. – Issue. 60. – Pt. I. – P. 234–237.(https://doi.org/10.30970/vch.6001.234). (Bulletin of Lviv University, Chemistry).
  46. Shpyrka Z.  Electronic structure and peculiarities  of X-ray spectra of RScGe (R = Ce, Sm, Eu) compounds / Z. Shpyrka, А. Ivanushko, І. Shcherba, Denys // Visn. Lviv. Universytetu. Ser. Khim. ‒ 2020. ‒ Issue. 61.‒ Pt. І. ‒ P. 101-106. (http://doi.org/10.30970/vch.6101.101). (Bulletin of Lviv University, Chemistry).


HN-61F “Conditions of formation and crystal chemical features of new intermetallics” (2006-2008)

HN-18F “New intermetallics: synthesis, structure and crystal chemical laws” (2009-2011)

HN-114F “Synthesis, crystal structure, properties of new compounds and phase equilibria in metallic systems ” (2012-2015)

HN-13F “ Synthesis and crystal chemistry of new intermetallic compounds with functional properties ” (2015-2017)

HN-73F “Synthesis and crystal chemistry of new dual-purpose intermetallics” (2018-2020)


  1. Diploma of the Director of the Department of Education and Science of the Lviv Regional State Administration for active participation in the organization and conduct of the practical round of the IV stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Chemistry Olympiad.
  2. Diploma of the Rector of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv for many years of conscientious work and significant achievements in scientific and pedagogical activities.
  3. Diploma of the Department of Education and Science of the Lviv Regional State Administration for conscientious and persistent work with high school students, high achievements of students in regional, national competitions for the defense of research papers and support of gifted students.
  4. Diploma of the Lviv regional organization of the trade union of educators and scientists of Ukraine for many years of conscientious work and high professionalism, significant personal contribution to the training and education of highly qualified professionals and on the occasion of the anniversary birthday.
  5. Diploma of the President of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the President of the Small Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for highly professional and active participation in the jury of the All-Ukrainian competition of young researchers “Crystalsˮ named after Eugene Gladyshevsky.



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