Lyubov Romaka

Position: Leading Researcher, Department of Inorganic Chemistry

Scientific degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences

Academic status: Senior Researcher

Phone (office): (032) 239-45-03


Google Scholar profile:

Research interests

Crystal chemistry, phase diagrams, crystal and electronic structures, magnetic and electrotransport properties



V.V. Romaka, L.P. Romaka, V.Ya. Krayovskyy, Yu.V. Stadnyk. Stannides of rare earth and transition metals. Lviv, Lvivsk. Politekhnika, 2015. 224 с. ISBN 978-617-607-816-6

Selected manuscripts

  1. M.B. Konyk, L.P. Romaka, Yu.K. Gorelenko, O.I. Bodak O. I. Magnetic and electrical properties of R2CuGe6 compounds (R=Y, Ce, Nd, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Yb). J. Alloys and Comp. 2000. Vol. 311. P. 120-123.
  2. M. Konyk, L. Romaka, D. Gignoux, D. Fruchart, O. Bodak, Yu. Gorelenko. Magnetic properties of R2NiGe6 ternary compounds (R=rare earth). J. Alloys and Comp. Vol. 398. (2005). P. 8-11.
  3. D. Kaczorowski, M. Konyk, A. Szytula, L. Romaka, O. Bodak. Magnetic properties of the R2CuGe6 (R = Gd, Tb, Dy, Er) ternary compounds. Solid State Sci. 2008. Vol. 10. P. 1891-1894.
  4. Yu. Stadnyk, A. Horyn’, V.V. Romaka, Yu. Gorelenko, L.P. Romaka, E.K. Hlil, D. Fruchart. Crystal, electronic structure and electronic transport properties of the Ti1−xVxNiSn (х=0–0.10) solid solutions // J. Solid State Chem. 2010. Vol. 183. P. 3023-3028.
  5. V.V. Romaka, L. Romaka. Contribution to the investigation of ternary Lu–Ni–Sn system // J. Alloys Compd. 2011. Vol. 509. P. 4530-4533.
  6. V.V. Romaka, D. Gignoux, L. Romaka, N. Skryabina, D. Fruchart, Yu. Stadnyk. Crystal structure peculiarity and magnetic behavior of R2Cu4-xSn5+x (R=Gd, Tb and Dy) compounds // J. Alloys Compd. 2011. Vol. 509. P. 5206-5210.
  7. V.V. Romaka, M. Konyk, L. Romaka, V. Pavlyuk, H. Ehrenberg, A. Tkachuk. Peculiarity of component interaction in {Y,Dy}-Mn-Sn ternary systems // J. Alloys Compd. 2011. Vol. 509. P. 7559-7564.
  8. Yu.V. Stadnyk, A.M. Goryn’, V.V. Romaka, Yu.K. Gorelenko, L.P. Romaka, N.A. Mel’nichenko. Structural and thermoelectric properties of Z1-xErxNiSn solid solutions // Inorg. Mater. 2011. Vol. 47. P. 637-644.
  9. L. Romaka, Yu. Stadnyk, V.V. Romaka, P. Demchenko, M. Stadnyshyn, M. Konyk. Peculiarities of component interaction in {Gd, Er}-V-Sn ternary systems at 870 K and crystal structure of RV6Sn6 stannides // J. Alloys Compd. 2011. Vol. 509. P. 8862-8869.
  10. D. Kaczorowski, M. Konyk, L. Romaka. Magnetic and electrical transport properties of Gd2CoGe6 and Tb2CoGe6 germanides // J. Alloys Compd. 2012. Vol. 526. P. 22-24.
  11. V.V. Romaka, L. Romaka, Yu. Stadnyk, V. Gvozdetskii, R. Glsdyshevskii, N. Skryabina, N. Melnychenko, V. Hlukhyy, T. Fassler. Interaction of Vanadium with Iron and Antimony at 870 and 1070 K // Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2012. P. 2588-2595.
  12. L. Romaka, Yu. Dovgalyuk, V.V. Romaka, I. Lototska, Yu. Stadnyk. Interaction of the components in Y–Ni–Sn ternary system at 770 K and 670 K // Intermetallics. 2012. Vol. 29. P. 116-122.
  13. V.V. Romaka, P. Rogl, L. Romaka, Yu. Stadnyk, N. Melnychenko, A. Grytsiv, M. Falmbigl, N. Skrybina. Phase equilibria, formation, crystal and electronic structure of ternary compounds in Ti-Ni-Sn and Ti-Ni-Sb ternary systems // J. Solid State Chem. 2013. Vol. 197. P. 103–112.
  14. V.V. Romaka, P. Rogl, L. Romaka, Yu. Stadnyk, A. Grytsiv, O. Lakh, V. Krayovskii. Peculiarities of structural disorder in Zr- and Hf-containing Heusler and half-Heusler stannides // Intermetallics. 2013. Vol. 35. P. 45–52.
  15. Yu. Tyvanchuk, L. P. Romaka, A. Szytula, R. Duraj, A. Zarzycki. Magnetic properties RNi5Sn (R = Pr, Nd) compounds // Acta Phys. Pol. A. 2013. Vol. 123. P. 145–147. https://doi/10.12693/APhysPolA.123.145
  16.  R. Duraj, M. Konyk, J. Przewoznik, L. Romaka, A. Magnetic properties of RE2MnGe6 (R = La, Ce) and YMn0.3Ge2 germanides // Solid State Sci. 2013. Vol. 25. P. 11–14.
  17.  L. Romaka, V.V. Romaka, Yu. Stadnyk, N. Melnychenko. Features of formation of ternary phases in Ti-Fe-Sn ternary system at 773 K // Chem. Met. Alloys. 2013. Vol. 6(1/2). P. 12–19.
  18. L. Romaka, V.V. Romaka, I. Lototska, A. Szytula, B. Kuzhel, A. Zarzycki, E.K. Hlil, D. Fruch Structural, magnetic and electronic transport studies of RAgSn2 compounds (R = Y, Tb, Dy, Ho and Er) with Cu3Au-type // Bull. Mater. Sci. 2013. Vol. 36(7). P. 1247–1253.
  19.  V. Romaka, L. Romaka, P. Rogl, Yu. Stadnyk, N. Melnychenko, R. Korzh, Z. Duriagina, A. Horyn. Peculiarities of thermoelectric half-Heusler phase formation in Zr-Co-Sb ternary system // J. Alloys Compd. 2014. Vol. 585. P. 448–454.
  20. M.  Konyk, L. Romaka, P. Demchenko, V.V. Romaka, Yu. Stadnyk, A. Horyn. The V-Cu-Sb ternary system at 773 K: Crystal, band structure, and physical properties // J. Alloys Compd. 2014. Vol. 589. P. 200–206.
  21.  L. Romaka, A. Tkachuk, Yu. Stadnyk, V.V. Romaka, A. Horyn, R. Korzh. Peculiarity of component interaction in Zr-Mn-{Sn,Sb} ternary systems // J. Alloys Compd. 2014. Vol. 611. P. 401–409.
  22. V.А. Romaka, P. Rogl, Yu.V. Stadnyk, L.P. Romaka, R.О. Korzh, D. Kaczorowski, V.Ya. Krayovskyy, А.М. Horyn. Peculiarities of structural, energy and kinetic characteristics of VFe1-хTixSb thermoelectric material // J. Тhermoelectricity. 2014. Vol. 4. P. 40-50. ISSN 1607-8829
  23. V.А. Romaka, P. Rogl, Yu. V. Stadnuk, L. P. Romaka, D. Kaczorowski, V.Ya. Krayovskyy, R.О. Korzh, А.М. Horyn. Features of the electron structure and conduction mechanisms in the Zr1-xCexNiSn thermoelectric material // J. Thermoelectricity. 2014. Vol. 5. P. 12–21. ISSN 1726-7714
  24. V.A. Romaka, P. Rogl, Yu.V. Stadnyk, L.P. Romaka, R.O. Korzh, D. Kaczorowski, V.Ya. Krayovskyy, A.M. Horyn. Investigation of V1-xTixFeSb semiconductor solid solution. I. Peculiarities of electrokinetic characteristics // Phys. chem. solid state. 2015. Vol. 16(1). P. 111–115.
  25. V.V. Romaka, P. Rogl, L.P. Romaka, Yu.V. Stadnyk, R.O. Korzh, V.Ya. Krayovskyy, Т.М. Kovbasuk, Н.V. Tsygylyk. Investigation of V1-xTixFeSb semiconductor solid solution. ІІ. Peculiarities of crystal and electronic structures // Phys. chem. solid state. 2015. Vol. 16(2). P. 335–341.
  26. L. Romaka, I. Romaniv, V. V. Romaka, V. Pavlyuk. Phase relationships in the {Ho,Er}-Ni-Sn ternary systems at 673 K and crystal structure of new ternary compounds // J. Alloys Compd. 2015. Vol. 631. P. 288–297.
  27. V.V. Romaka, L. Romaka, A. Horyn, P. Rogl, Yu. Stadnyk, N. Melnychenko, M. Orlovskyy, V. Krayovskyy. Peculiarities of thermoelectric half-Heusler phase formation in Gd-Ni-Sb and Lu-Ni-Sb ternary systems // J. Solid State Chem. 2016. Vol. 239. P. 145–152.
  28. L. Romaka, M. Konyk, Yu. Stadnyk, A. Horyn, V.V. Romaka, R. Serkiz, V. Krayovskyy. Interaction of the components in the V-{Fe,Ni}-Sn ternary systems // Chem. Met. Alloys. 2015. Vol. 8(3/4). P. 75–82.
  29. V.A. Romaka, P. Rogl, L.P. Romaka, Yu.V. Stadnyk, D. Kaczorowski, V.Ya. Krayovskyy, О.І. Lakh. The study of structural, energy and kinetic characteristics of Hf1-xYxNiSn thermoelectric material // J. Thermoelectricity. 2015. Vol. 4. P. 30-38. ISSN 1607-8829
  30.  L.P. Romaka, D. Kaczorowski, M. Horyn, Yu.V. Stadnyk, V.Ya. Krayovskyy, V.V. Romaka. Investigation of structural, energy state and kinetic characteristics of RNiSb semiconductor (R=Gd, Lu) // Phys. chem. solid state. 2016. Vol. 17(1). P. 37–42.
  31. L.P. Romaka, P.-F. Rogl, A.M. Horyn, V.Ya. Krayovskyy, Yu.V. Stadnyk, V.V. Romaka. Investigation of crystal and electronic structures features of Hf1-xTmxNiSn semiconductor solid solution // Phys. chem. solid state. 2016. Vol. 17(2). P. 212–221.
  32. L. Romaka, V. V. Romaka, A. Horyn, Yu. Stadnyk. Contribution to the investigation of Sm-Cu-Sn ternary system // Chem. Met. Alloys. 2016. Vol. 9, No. 1/2. P. 72–77.
  33.  V.A. Romaka, P.-F. Rogl, L.P. Romaka, V.Ya. Krayovskyy, Yu.V. Stadnyk, D. Kaczorowski, А.М. Horyn. Features of structural, energy and kinetic characteristics of TiNiSn1-xGax thermoelectric material // Thermoelectricity. 2016. Vol. 3. P. 24-33. ISSN 1607-8829
  34. V.A. Romaka, L.P. Romaka, Yu.V. Stadnyk, V.Ya. Krayovskyy, V.V. Romaka, А.М. Horyn. Research of electrical conductivity mechanism of thermoelectric material based on n-ZrNiSn doped with Ga // J. Thermoelectricity. 2016. Vol. 4. P. 44-58. ISSN 1607-8829
  35. V.V. Romaka, L. Romaka, I. Romaniv, E.K. Hlil, Z. Rykavets, B. Kuzhel. Crystallographic, magnetic and electrical characteristics of R3Ni8Sn4 compounds (R = Y, Nd, Sm, Gd, and Tb) // J. Alloys Compd. 2017. Vol. 701. P. 358–365.
  36.  L. Romaka, I. Romaniv, V.V. Romaka, A. Horyn, Yu. Stadnyk. Formation and stability of ternary phases in the Ho-Ag-Sn and Tm-Ag-Sn metallic systems // Chem. Met. Alloys. 2016. Vol. 9, No. 3/4. P. 135–146.
  37. L.P. Romaka, A.M. Horyn, Yu.V. Stadnyk, V.Ya. Krayovskyy, V.A. Romaka, Z.M. Rykavets, P.-F. Rogl. Features of structural, electrokinetic, and energy state characteristics of ZrNiSn1-xGax solid solution // Phys. chem. solid state. 2017. Vol. 18(1). P. 41–48.
  38. L.P. Romaka, Yu.V. Stadnyk, V.V. Romaka, V.Ya. Krayovskyy, P.-F. Rogl, А.М. Horyn. Investigation of band structure of ZrNiSn1-xGax semiconductor solid solution // Phys. chem. solid state. 2017. Vol. 18(2). P. 187–193.
  39. L.P. Romaka, Yu.V. Stadnyk, V.А. Romaka, А.М. Horyn. Features of structural, electrokinetic, and energy state characteristics of Vx+yCo1-ySb3 skutterudite // Phys. chem. solid state. 2017. Vol. 18(3). P. 328–333.
  40.  L. Romaka, V.V. Romaka, N. Melnychenko, Yu. Stadnyk, L. Bohun, A. Horyn. Experimental and DFT study of the V-Co-Sb ternary system // J. Alloys Compd. Vol. 739. P. 771–779.
  41. L.P. Romaka, Yu.V. Stadnyk, V.V. Romaka, М. Konyk, R. Serkiz. Interaction of the components in the Gd-Mn-Sn ternary system at 873 and 673 K// Phys. chem. solid state. 2018. Vol. 19(1). P. 60–65.
  42. L. Romaka, I. Romaniv, V. Romaka, M. Konyk, A. Horyn, Yu. Stadnyk. Isothermal section of the Ho-Cu-Sn ternary system at 670 K // Phys. chem. solid state. 2018. Vol. 19(2). P. 139–146.
  43. L.P. Romaka, Yu.V. Stadnyk, V.V. Romaka, P.-F. Rogl, V.А. Romaka, А.М. Horyn. Investigation of structural, thermodynamic and energy state characteristics of the ZrNi1-xRhxSn solid solution // Phys. chem. solid state. 2018. Vol. 19(2). P. 151–158.
  44. L. Romaka, М. Konyk, V.V. Romaka, Yu. Stadnyk. Phase equilibria in Ce-Cо-Sn system at 770 K // Visnyk Lviv univ. Ser. Chem. 2018. Issue 59. P. 28–35.
  45. М. Konyk, L. Romaka, Yu. Stadnyk, V.V. Romaka, R. Serkiz. Interaction of the components in Y–{V, Fe}–Ge systems at 870 K // Visnyk Lviv univ. Ser. Chem. 2018. Issue 59. P. 11–20. DOI:
  46.  Yu. Stadnyk, V.V. Romaka, L. Romaka, L. Orovchik, A. Horyn. Synthesis, electrical transport, magnetic properties and electronic structure of Ti1-xScxCoSb semiconducting solid solution // J. Alloys Compd. 2019. Vol. 805. P. 840–846.
  47. I. Shcherba, L. Romaka, A. Skoblik, B. Kuzel, H. Noga, L. Bekenov, Yu. Stadnyk, P. Demchenko, A. Horyn. Structural study, Mössbauer spectra and electrical properties of R5Fe6Sn18 (R = Tm, Lu) compounds // Acta Phys. Pol. A. 2019. Vol. 136. P. 158-163. https://10.12693/APhysPolA.136.158
  48. L. Romaka, M. Konyk, Yu. Stadnyk, V.V. Romaka, R. Serkiz. Lu-V-{Ge, Sn} ternary systems // Phys. Chem. solid state. 2019. V. 20, No 1. P.69-76.
  49.  І. Romaniv, L. Romaka, B. Kuzhel, V.V. Romaka, M. Rudchenko, Yu. Stadnyk, M. Konyk, M. Rudko. Structural and electrical characterization of RCu5Sn compounds (R=Y, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, and Tm) // Chem. Met. Alloys. 2019. Vol. 12, No. 1/2. P. 1–8.
  50.  М. Konyk, L. Romaka, L. Orovcik, V.V. Romaka, Yu. Stadnyk. Y-Cr-Ge ternary system at 1070 K // Visnyk Lviv univ. Chem. 2019. Issue 60. P. 38–47.
  51. M. Konyk, L. Romaka, P. Demchenko, V. Romaka, V. Krayovskyy, M. Rokomanyuk. Experimental Study of the Y−Cu−Ge System at 870 K // Chem. Chem. Technol. 2020. Vol. 14(2). P. 177−184. 14.02.177
  52. M. Konyk, S. Baran, L. Romaka, A. Szytula, V.V. Romaka. Crystal structure and magnetic properties of TmV0.17Ge2 and LuV0.12Ge2 ternary germanides // J. Phys. Chem. Solids. 2020. Vol. 137. P. 109−205.


1984-till now: Senior researcher at the Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.

1980-1983: PhD student at the Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. (The thesis „Phase equilibria, crystal structures and properties of the compounds in the R-{Ni,Cu}-Sn systems where R=Ce,Pr,Gd,Lu” defended at Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, November, 1984.

1975-1980: Student of the Faculty of Chemistry of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.


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