Halyna Nychyporuk

Position: Laboratory Chief Manager, Department of Inorganic Chemistry

Scientific degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences

Phone (office): (032) 239-43-97

Email: halyna.nychyporuk@lnu.edu.ua

Google Scholar profile: scholar.google.com.ua

Research interests

  • crystal chemistry of indium compounds
  • phase diagram of multicomponents systems with indium: phase equilibria, crystal structure and physical properties of indium compounds



  1. Horiacha M., Nychyporuk G., Galadzhun Ya., Pöttgen R., Zaremba V. Сrystal structure of phases from GdNiIn1-xAlx solid solution // Proc. Shevchenko Sci. Soc. Chem. Sci. 2023. Vol. LXXIII. P. 38-44.
  2. Nychyporuk G., Dominyuk N., Muts I., Zelinskiy A., Pöttgen R., Zaremba V. LaNiIn1–xSnx and CeNiIn1–xSnx solid solutions at T = 870 K // Z. Naturforsch. B. 2023. Vol.78, No.7-8. P. 427-433.
  3. Nychyporuk G., Kordan V., Horiacha M., Halyatovskii B., Hudzo O., Zaremba V., Pavlyuk V. Crystal structure and electrochemical hydrogenation of HoNiIn1-xAlx (x = 0-1) solid solution // Physics and chemistry of solid state. 2023. Vol.24, No.3. P. 578-583.
  4. Dominyuk N., Nychyporuk G., Muts I., Pöttgen R., Zaremba V. Crystal structure of the CeNi3In5Sn phase // Visnyk Lviv Univ. Series Chem. 2023. Iss. 64. P. 101-109 (in Ukrainian).
  5. Zaremba V., Nychyporuk G., Dzevenko M., Kalychak Ya. The Lu-Ni-In system at 870 K // Visnyk Lviv Univ. Series Chem. 2023. Iss. 64. P. 14-25 (in Ukrainian).
  6. Zinko L., Nychyporuk G., Matselko O., Gladyshevskii R. The ternary system Hf–Re–Al at 1000 °С // Physics and chemistry of solid state. 2023.  Vol. 24, No. 2. P. 361-366.
  7. Zinko L., Nychyporuk G., Gladyshevskii R. The system Hf–Re–Si at 1000 °С // Voprosy khimii i khimicheskoi tekhnologii. 2023. No. 3. P. 72-76 (in Ukrainian).
  8. Horiacha M., Nychyporuk G., Bönnighausen J., Stegemann F., Pavlyuk V., Pöttgen R., Zaremba V. Structure and properties of phases from solid solutions YTIn1−xAlx (T = Ni and Cu) // Z. Kristallogr. 2023. Vol. 238. No. 1–2. P. 17–25.
  9. Dominyuk N., Nychyporuk G., Zaremba V. The interaction of the components in the R2T2In1-xGax (R = La, Ce; T = Ni, Cu) systems // Proc. Shevchenko Sci. Soc. Chem. Sci. 2022. Vol. LXX. P. 69-78 (in Ukrainian).
  10. Horiacha M., Nychyporuk G., Pöttgen R., Kaczorowski D., Zaremba V. Crystal structure and magnetic properties of some compounds with GdNi2Ga3In type structure // Z. Kristallographie. 2022. Vol. 237. No. 8–9. P. 281–286.
  11. Horiacha M., Nychyporuk G., Pöttgen R., Zaremba V. The solid solutions TbCuIn1-xMx (M = Al, Ga) // Z. Naturforsch. 2022. Vol. 77(7–8)b. P. 549–554.
  12. Dominyuk N., Nychyporuk G., Muts I., Tyvanchuk Yu., Zaremba V., Pöttgen R. Crystal structure of Dy11Ge4.33In5.67 and Tm11Ge4In6 from X-ray single-crystal and powder data // Z. Naturforsch. 2022. Vol. 77(4–5)b. P. 253–261.
  13. Zaremba V., Dzevenko M., Nychyporuk G., Maletska Yu., Kalychak Ya. The system Ho-Ni-In at 870 K // Visnyk Lviv Univ. Series Chem. 2022. Iss. 63. P. 16-28 (in Ukrainian).
  14. Romaka V.А., Stadnyk Yu., Romaka L., Horyn А., Pashkevich V., Nychyporuk H., Garanyuk P. Investigation of thermoelectric material based on Lu1-xZrxNiSb solid solution. I. Experimental Results. // Physics and chemistry of solid state. 2022. Vol. 23, No. 2. P. 235-241
  15. Horiacha M., Nychyporuk G., Pöttgen R., Zaremba V.The solid solution TbNiIn1-xGax // Z. Naturforsch. 2022. Vol. 77(2–3)b. P. 111–116.
  16. Zaremba N., Nychyporuk G., Horiacha M., Zaremba V. The RCuIn1-xGax (R = La, Ce) systems at 870 K // Proc. Shevchenko Sci. Soc., Chem. Sci. 2021. Vol. LXVI. P. 117-124 (in Ukrainian).
  17. Zaremba V., Dzevenko M., Nychyporuk G., Kalychak Ya. Phase equilibria in the system Y-Ni-In at 870 K // Visn. Lviv Univ. Series Chem. 2021. Iss. 62. P. 18-27 (in Ukrainian).
  18. Zaremba N., Pavlosiuk O., Muts I., Nychyporuk G., Pavlyuk V., Kaczorowski D., Pöttgen R., Zaremba V. LaNiGe with non-centrosymmetric LaPtSi type structure // ZAAG. 2021. Vol. 647, P. 815–821.
  19. Dominyuk N., Nychyporuk G., Muts I., Zaremba V. The RECu1-xGaxIn (RE = La, Ce) systems at 870 K // Chem. Met. Alloys. 2020. Vol. 13. P. 1-7.
  20. Horiacha M., Nychyporuk G., Pöttgen R., Zaremba V. Crystal structure of the YNi83Ga1.17 and YNiIn0.15Ga0.85 compounds // Proc. Shevchenko Sci. Soc. Chem. Sci. 2020. Vol. LX. P. 68-74.
  21. Horiacha M., Halyatovskii B., Horiacha S., Nychyporuk G., Pöttgen R., Zaremba V. The TbNiIn1-xMx (M = Al, Ge, Sb; 0<x<1) systems // Visn. Lviv Univ. Series Chem. 2020. Is. 61. Pt.1. P.52-62.(in Ukrainian)
  22. Zaremba N., Schepilov Yu., Nychyporuk G., Pavlyuk V., Zaremba V. The LaNiIn1-xMx (M = Al, Ge) systems // Visn. Lviv Univ. Series Chem. 2020. Iss. 61. Pt. 1. P. 44-51.(in Ukrainian)
  23. Hetsyk O., Nychyporuk G., Kovbuz M., Kalychak Ya. The Chemistry in Lviv University (until 1945 year) // Visn. Lviv Univ. Series Chem. 2020. Iss. 61. Pt. 1. P. 5-14.(in Ukrainian)
  24. Zinko L., Matselko O., Kordan V., Nychyporuk G., Gladyshevskii R. Interaction of the components in the system Hf–Re–Si // Chem. Met. Alloys. 2019. Vol. 12. P. 88-92.
  25. Horiacha M., Nychyporuk G., Pöttgen R., Zaremba V. The crystal structures of the phases in the GdCuIn1-xAlx system // Proc. Shevchenko Sci. Soc. Chem. Sci. 2019. Vol. LVI. P. 122–129.(in Ukrainian)
  26. Zaremba N., Schepilov Yu., Nychyporuk G., Hlukhyy V., Pavlyuk V. La3Ni4Al2: a new layered aluminide // Z. Kristallogr. 2019. Vol. 234(9). P. 581–586.
  27. Horiacha M., Nychyporuk G., Savchuk I., Demchenko P., Zaremba V. Investigation of RNiIn2-xGax (R = Y, Gd) systems // Visn. Lviv Univ. Series Chem. 2019. Iss. 60. Pt. 1. P. 73-81. (in Ukrainian)
  28. Zaremba N., Nychyporuk G., Schepilov Yu., Hlukhyy V., Pavlyuk V. The interaction of the components in the CeNiIn1-xMx (M = Ge, Sb) systems // Visn. Lviv Univ. Series Chem. 2019. Iss. 60. Pt. 1. P. 82-90. (in Ukrainian)
  29. Horiacha M., Rinylo N., Nychyporuk G., Serkiz R., Pöttgen R., Zaremba V. The interaction of the components in YCuIn1-xMx ( M = Al, Ga) systems // Ukr. Chem. Jorn. 2018. Vol.84., No.11. P.31-37.(in Ukrainian)
  30. Zaremba N., Nychyporuk G., Schepilov Yu., Panakhyd O., Muts I., Hlukhyy V., Pavlyuk V. The CeNiIn1-xMx (M = Al, Ga) systems at 873 K // Ukr. Chem. Jorn. 2019. Vol.84., No. 12. P. 76-84.(in Ukrainian)
  31. Horiacha M., Savchuk I., Nychyporuk G., Serkiz R., Zaremba V. The YNiIn1-xMx (M = Al, Ga, Sb) systems // Visn. Lviv Univ. Series Chem. 2018. Iss.59. Pt.1. P.67-75.(in Ukrainian)
  32. Horiacha M., Zinko L., Nychyporuk G., Serkiz R., Zaremba V. The GdTIn1-xMx (T= Ni, Cu; M = Al, Ga; 0<x<1) systems// Visn. Lviv Univ. Series Chem. 2017. Is. 58. Pt.1. P. 77–85.(in Ukrainian)
  33. Kharkhalis A., Hmetnytska I., Nychyporuk G., Muts I., Pöttgen R., Zaremba V. Yb1-xPrxNi4In system// Visn. Lviv Univ. Series Chem. 2017. Iss. 58. Pt.1. P. 86–92.(in Ukrainian)
  34. Kravets O., Nychyporuk G., Muts I., Shpyrka Z., Hlukhyy V., Zaremba V. The crystal structure of a new ternary indide Pr11Ge5.21In4.79 // Chem. Met. Alloys. 2016. Vol. 9, No. 1/2. P. 54–60.
  35. Kravets O., Nychyporuk G., Serkiz R., Kaczorowski D., Zaremba V. The Pr-Ge-In system at 870 K // Visn. Lviv Univ. Series Chem. 2016. Is. 57, Pt. 1. P. 14–22.
  36. Galadzhun Ya. V., Horiacha M. M., Nychyporuk G. P., Rodewald U. Ch., Pöttgen R., Zaremba V. I. Gallium-Indium Ordering in the Complex [Ni2Ga3In] Network of GdNi2Ga3In // Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 2016. V.642, N16. P. 896-901.
  37. Kharkhalis A., Bednarchuk O., Nychyporuk G., Kaczorowski D., Zaremba V. Investigation of the components interaction in the RE1-xRE’xCu2In (RE = Y, La, Ce, Gd) systems // Chem. Met. Alloys. 2015. Vol. 8, No. 3/4. P.91–97.
  38. Kharkhalis A., Horiacha M., Nychyporuk G., Bednarchuk O., Zaremba V. Investigation of the components interaction in the RECu2In1-xAlx (RE = Y, La, Gd) systems // Visn. Lviv Univ. Series Chem. 2014. Is. 55. P. 54–62.(in Ukrainian)
  39. Kravets O., Nychyporuk G., Shpurka Z., Hlukhyy V., Kaczorowski D., Zaremba V. The investigation of the solubility of the silicon in the R2Ge2In (R = La, Ce, Pr, Nd) compounds // Visn. Lviv Univ. Series Chem. 2014. Is. 55. P. 63–70.(in Ukrainian)
  40. Kravets O., Nychyporuk G., Muts I., Hlukhyy V., Pöttgen R., Zaremba V. Nd3Ge1.18In0.82 and Sm3Ge1.33In0.67 – New ternary indides with La3GeIn type structure // Sold State Science 2014. Vol.32. P.35–40.
  41. Dominyuk N., Nychyporuk G., Muts I., Pöttgen R., Zaremba V. Solubility of p-elements III and IV groups in the Gd2Cu2In compound // Visn. Lviv Univ. Series Chem. 2013. Is. 54. P. 57–63.(in Ukrainian)
  42. Nychyporuk G., Galadzhun Ya., Shpurka Z., Kalychak Ya., Zaremba V. The crystal structure of the compound La5Si2,29In0,71 // Visn. Lviv Univ. Series Chem. 2012. Is. 53. P. 103–108.(in Ukrainian)
  43. Dominyuk N., Hlukhyy V., Nychyporuk G., Shpurka Z., Zaremba V. The crystal structure of the commpound YbNiGe // Visn. Lviv Univ. Series Chem. 2011. Is. 52. P.62-66.(in Ukrainian)
  44. Chumalo N., Nychyporuk G. P., Pavlyuk V.V., Pöttgen R., Kaczorowski D. Zaremba V.I. Crystal structure and magnetic properties of Ce7NixGexIn6 and Pr7NixGexIn6 // J. Solid St. Chem. 2010. V.183. P.2963-2967.
  45. Chumalo N., Demchuk V., Nychyporuk G., Zaremba V. Investigation of interaction of components in the R2T2In1-xMx (R = La, Ce; T = Ni, Cu; M = Al, Sn; 0 ≤ x ≤ 1) systems // Visn. Lviv Univ. Series Chem. 2010. Is.51. P.24-30.(in Ukrainian)
  46. Kravets O., Nychyporuk G., Zaremba V. The Nd-Ge-In system at 870 К// Visn. Lviv Univ. Series Chem. 2009. Is.50. P.133-138.(in Ukrainian)
  47. Pustovoychenko M., Dzevenko M., Nychyporuk G., Shpurka Z., Kalychak Ya. Component interaction in Y-Mn-In and Sm-Mn-In systems// Visn. Lviv Univ. Series Chem. 2008. Is.49. Pt1. P.64-70.(in Ukrainian)
  48. Hlukhyy V., Nychyporuk G., Zaremba V. Investigation of interaction of components in the ternary system U–Ni–In at 870 K// Visn. Lviv Univ. Series Chem. 2007. Is.48. P.166-172.(in Ukrainian)
  49. Zaremba V., Kaczorowski D., Nychyporuk G., Rodewald U., Heying B., Pöttgen R. Structure and magnetic properties of Ce3Ge0.66In4.34 and Ce11Ge4.74In5.26. // Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 2006. V. 632. P. 975-980.
  50. Zaremba V.I., Johrendt D., Rodewald U. Ch., Nychyporuk G.P., Pöttgen R. Structure and chemical bonding of Ce2Ge2In and Ce2Pt2In // J. Solid State Sciences. 2005. V.7. P. 998-1002.
  51. Zaremba V., Kaczorowski D., Nychyporuk G., Rodewald U., Pöttgen R. Structure and physical properties of RE2Ge2In (RE = La, Ce, Pr, Nd). // J. Solid State Sciences. 2004. V. 6. P. 1301-1306.
  52. Nychyporuk G., Zaremba V., Kalychak Ya., Galadzhun Ya., Davydov V. New ternary indides with the AlB2-type strucrures // Visn. Lviv Univ. Series Chem. 2004. Is.44. P.54-58.(in Ukrainian)
  53. Nychyporuk G., Zaremba V., Kalychak Ya. The Ce-{Si,Ge}-In systems at 870 К // Visn. Lviv Univ. Series Chem. 2003. Is.43. P.9-14.(in Ukrainian)
  54. Nychyporuk G., Zaremba V., Kalychak Ya. The investigation of the interaction of components in the ternary La-{Si,Ge}-In systems // Visn. Lviv Univ. Series Chem. 2002. Is.41. P.49-54.(in Ukrainian)
  55. Nychyporuk G., Zaremba V., Kalychak Ya., Stepien-Damm J., Pietraszko A. Crystal structure of Ce3Ge1.11In0.89 and related compounds // J. Alloys Compd. 2000. Vol. 312. P. 154-157.
  56. Zaremba V.I., Stepien-Damm J., Nychyporuk G.P., Tyvanchuk Yu.B., Kalychak Ya.M. Crystal structure of R2Ge2In compounds, when R = rare-earth // Kristallographiya. 1998. Vol.43, No1. P.13-16.(in Russian)



Graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry of Ivan Franko State University of Lviv in 1991.
Defended her dissertation “Phase equilibria, crystal structure and electrical properties of compounds in systemsх {La, Ce}-In-{Al,Si,Ge}”.
Since June 2008 – Laboratory Chief Manager of the Department of Inorganic Chemistry.

Teaching materials

Навчальні посібники:

  1. П. Стародуб, З. Шпирка, Н. Муць, Г. Ничипорук “Перевір себе” (Загальна хімія в задачах) – Львів: ТОВ “Поліграфія”. 2009. 216с.
  2. П. Стародуб, З. Шпирка, Н. Муць, Г. Ничипорук “Перевір себе 2” (Неорганічна хімія в задачах). – Львів: Видавничий центр ЛНУ ім. Івана Франка, 2012. 220с.
  3. Фізико-хімічний аналіз багатокомпонентних систем: лабораторний практикум / Б.Я. Котур, З.М. Шпирка, Г.П. Ничипорук, О.Я. Зелінська. – Львів: Видавничий центр ЛНУ ім. Івана Франка, 2013. 104с.


Методичні матеріали:

  1. Методичні рекомендації до самостійної роботи з дисципліни “ХІМІЯ” для студентів І курсу геологічного факультету / М. Коник, П. Стародуб, Г. Ничипорук Львів: Видавничий центр ЛНУ ім. Івана Франка, 2014. 72с.
  2. Тестовий контроль знань з дисципліни “ХІМІЯ”. Методичні матеріали для студентів І курсу геологічного факультету, напрям 6.40103 “Геологія” / Стародуб П.К., Ничипорук Г.П. − Львів: Видавничий центр ЛНУ ім. Івана Франка, 2014. 142с.
  3. Методичні рекомендації до самостійної роботи з дисципліни “ХІМІЯ” для студентів І курсу фізичного факультету / В. Заремба, Г. Ничипорук, Н. Муць Львів: Видавничий центр ЛНУ ім. Івана Франка, 2015. 22с.
  4. Робоча програма та методичні матеріали для проходження педагогічної практики студентів IV курсу хімічного факультету / Павлюк О. В., Ничипорук Г. П. Львів: ТзОВ “Діпіай”, 2017. 32с.