Nastasiya Klymentiy

Position: Junior Research Fellow, Department of Inorganic Chemistry

Scientific degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences

Phone (office): (032) 239-45-06


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Research interests

The systems {Sc,Ti,V}-Cu-Al: phase equilibria, crystal structures, mechanic and electric properties.


  1. Klymentiy N., Semuso N., Pukas S., Tokaychuk Ya., Akselrud L., Gladyshevskii R. Crystal structure of the ternary compound Sc3Cu5Al7.5. Chem. Met. Alloys. 2016. Vol. 9, No. 1/2. P. 78-83.
  2. Klymentiy N., Semuso N., Pukas S., Tokaychuk Ya., Akselrud L., Gladyshevskii R. Crystal structure of the ternary compound Sc6Cu1Al11.9. Solid State Phenom. 2017. Vol. 257. P. 26-29.
  3. Klymentiy N., Pukas S., Gladyshevskii R. Quaternary derivatives of the structure type BaHg11. Solid State Phenom. 2017. Vol. 257. P. 64-67.
  4. Klymentiy N.,  Pukas S., Semuso N., Gladyshevskii R. Continuous Solid Solution ScCu–ScAl. Visn. Lviv Univ. Ser. Chem. 2017. Vol. 58. P. 34-41.
  5. Petrovska M., Klymentiy N., Pukas S., Gladyshevskii R. New quaternary alumogermanides with the structure type SmNiAl4Ge2. Chem. Met. Alloys. 2018. Vol. 11. P. 18–22.
  6. Klymentiy N., Pukas S., Kuzhel B., Gladyshevskii R. The ternary systems {Sc,Ti}-Cu-Al at 800°C . Solid State Phenom. 2019. Vol. 289.  P. 28-34.
  7. Klymentiy N., Pukas S., Orovčík L., Gladyshevskii R. Reinvestigation of the system Ti-Cu-Al at 800°C. Vopr. Khim. Khim. Tekhnol. 2019. No. 4. P. 62-72.


  1. “Synthesis and crystal chemistry of new intermetallic compounds with functional properties” (№ 0115U003257);
  2. “New intermetallics as the basis of energy efficient materials” (№ 0117U007192);
  3. “Synthesis and crystal chemistry of new dual-purpose intermetallics”(№ 0118U003609).


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