Nazar Zaremba

Position: Junior Research Fellow, Department of Inorganic Chemistry

Phone (office): (032) 239-45-06


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Research interests

  • crystal chemistry of intermetallic compounds of indium and aluminum
  • X-ray phase and X-ray structural analysis
  • synthesis and growth of crystals



  1. N. Zaremba, I. Muts, V. Pavlyuk, V. Hlukhyy, R. Pöttgen, D. Kaczorowski, V. Zaremba SmPt2In2 – a new ternary indide with a Pt–In polyanionic framework // Z. Crystallogr. 2021. Vol. 236 (5-7). P. 152-162.
  2. N. Zaremba, I. Muts, V. Pavlyuk, V. Hlukhyy, R. Pöttgen, V. Zaremba ErNi2.23Al2.77 and YbNi2.31Al2.69 – i3 superstructures of the CaCu5 type // Z. Crystallogr. 2021. Vol. 236 (5-7). P. 129-135.
  3. N. Zaremba, O. Pavlosiuk, I. Muts, G. Nychyporuk, V. Pavlyuk, D. Kaczorowski, R. Pöttgen, V. Zaremba LaNiGe with non‐centrosymmetric LaPtSi type structure // Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 2021. Vol. 647. P. 815-821.
  4. Zaremba N., Schepilov Yu., Nychyporuk G., Pavlyuk V., Zaremba V. The LaNiIn1-xMx (M = Al, Ge) systems // Visn. Lviv Univ. Series Chem. 2020. Is. 61. Pt.1. P.44-51.(in Ukrainian)
  5. Zaremba N., Schepilov Yu., Nychyporuk G., Hlukhyy V., Pavlyuk V. La3Ni4Al2: a new layered aluminide // Z. Kristallogr. 2019. Vol. 234(9). P. 581–586.
  6. Zaremba N., Nychyporuk G., Schepilov Yu., Hlukhyy V., Pavlyuk V. The interaction of the components in the CeNiIn1-xMx (M = Ge, Sb) systems // Visn. Lviv Univ. Series Chem. 2019. Is. 60. Pt.1. P.82-90.(in Ukrainian)
  7. Zaremba N., Nychyporuk G., Schepilov Yu., Panakhyd O., Muts I., Hlukhyy V., Pavlyuk V. The CeNiIn1-xMx (M = Al, Ga) systems at 873 K // Ukr. Chem. Jorn. 2019. Vol.84., No. 12. P. 76-84.(in Ukrainian)
  8. Zaremba N., Muts I., Hlukhyy V., Stein S.,  Rodewald U.Ch., Pavlyuk V., Pöttgen R., Zaremba V. Equiatomic indides REIrIn (RE = La, Pr, Nd, Er-Yb) – Crystal structure and electronic structure // Z. Naturforsch. 2017.  Vol. 72b, №9. P. 631–638.


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