Chemistry Curriculum

Field of Study: 10 Natural Sciences

Speciality: 102 Chemistry

Duration of programme: 1 year and 9 months

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Component title ECTS credits Lections Labs Seminars Assessment Lecturer
1st semester
Application of Knowledge 5 16 32 test Dr. Khrystyna Miliyanchuk
Functional Materials 6 32 32 exam Dr. Vasyl Zaremba
Applied Crystal Chemistry 4 16 32 exam Dr. Svitlana Pukas
Sample Preparation in Chemical Analysis 4 16 32 exam Dr. Petro Rydchuk
New Materials on the Basis of Intermetallic Compounds 5 16 32 test Prof. Volodymyr Pavlyuk
Analysis of Medicines Dr. Olha Korkuna
Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmacology Dr. Roman Martyak
Self-assembling in a Thin Layer Dr. Mykhaylo Yatsyshyn
Selected Chapters of Crystal Chemistry of Inorganic Compounds 4 16 16 test Dr. Yurii Slyvka
X-ray Methods of Analysis Prof. Yaroslav Kalychak
Molecular Design Dr. Mykola Tupychak
Synthesis and Properties of Polymers Composites Prof. Olena Aksimentyeva
2nd semester
Pedagogy of Higher School 3 16 16 test Dr. Larysa Kovalchuk
Synthesis and Physical Chemistry of Nanostructured Materials 4 16 32 exam Dr. Lidiya Boychyshyn
Strategies and Tactics of Organic Synthesis 3 16 32 exam Prof. Vasyl Matijchuk
Chemo- and Biosensors 3 16 32 exam Dr. Yaroslav Kovalyshyn
Elective course 3 16 16 test
Physical Properties of Inorganic Materials 4 16 32 test Dr. Khrystyna Miliyanchuk
Complex Compounds in Analytical Chemistry Dr. Ihor Patsay
Low Molecular Weight Bioregulators Dr. Yurij Ostapyuk
Electroconductive Polymers Prof. Olena Aksimentyeva
Physico-Chemical Analysis of Multicomponent Systems 3 16 16 test Prof. Bohdan Kotur
Kinetic Methods of Analysis Dr. Oleksandr Tymoshuk
Principles of Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds Dr. Volodymyr Karpyak
Molecular Modelling: Theory and Applied Aspects Prof. Volodymyr Dutka
Course Paper 6
Professional Internship 3
3rd semester
Chromatography 3 16 32 exam Dr. Oleksandr Tymoshuk
Biological Chemistry 5 32 32 exam Dr. Yurij Ostapyuk
Methods of Teaching Chemistry in Higher School 3 16 16 test Dr. Oleksiy Pavlyuk
Management of Scientific Research
Chemical Metrology
3 16 16 test Prof. Volodymyr Pavlyuk
Dr. Ihor Patsay
Medical Сhemistry
Surface Phenomena
3 16 32 test Prof. Vasyl Matijchuk 
Dr. Oksana Hertsyk
Chemical Bonding: Theory and Experiment
Analytical Control of Organic Pollution
Toxicological Chemistry
Substance in Interphase
3 16 32 test Prof. Bohdan Kotur
Dr. Olha Korkuna
Dr. Roman Martyak
Dr. Mykhaylo Yatsyshyn
Course Paper 6
4th semester
Scientific and Research Internship 6
Undergraduate Teaching Internship 6
Master’s Seminar 4 30 test Prof. Volodymyr Pavlyuk
Prof. Yaroslav Kalychak
Prof. Mykola Obushak
Prof. Oleksandr Reshetnyak
Qualification (Master’s) Thesis presented to the Examination Commission 15